New Europe College

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1. Bouillard, Henri [ teolog iezuit francez, 1908-1981]
Genèse et évolution de la théologie dialectique/ par Henri Bouillard
Aubier, 1957, Paris , (teza de doctora) 284p-.
Topics (ro): crestinism; teologie dialectica - geneza si evolutie
Topics (en): Christianity; dialectical theology - genesis and evolution
Position: MT/B-759 UDC: 22(043)

2. Bouillard, Henri [ teolog iezuit francez, 1908-1981]
Parole de Dieu et existence humaine, Tome second: Deuxième partie: La réponse de l'homme/ Henri Bouillard
Aubier, 1957, Paris , (carte) 308p.
Topics (ro): crestinism; Cuvintul lui Dumnezeu - existenta umana - raspunsul omului; cunoasterea lui Dumnezeu; etica teologica; salvarea crestina - realizarea subiectiva - credinta crestina - Biserica; teologie si filosofie
Topics (en): Christianity; Word of God - human existence - human response; knowledge of God; theological ethics; Christian salvation - subjective achievement - Christian faith - Church; theology and philosophy
Position: MT/B-760 UDC: 22