New Europe College

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1. Bracewell, Wendy; Drace-Francis, Alex [Eds.];
A Bibliography of East European Travel Writing on Europe/ Edited by Wendy Bracewell and Alex Drace-Francis
Central European University Press, 2008, Budapest; New York , (carte) xv, 584p., ISBN 978-963-9776-12-8
Topics (ro): literartura comparata - scrieri de calatorie est-europene despre Europa - bibliografie; Europa - descriere si calatorie
Topics (en): comparative literature - East-European travel writing on Europe - bibliography; Europe - description and travel
Position: H.1721/.1722-BRA (3) UDC: 015:821-992(4-11)
Series: East Looks West; Vol.3
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Bracewell, Wendy; Drace-Francis, Alex [Eds.]; Kostaridou, Maria; Gvozden, Vladimir; Duda, Dean; Kostova, Ludmilla
Balkan Departures: Travel Writing from Southeastern Europe/ edited by Wendy Bracewell and Alex Drace-Francis; Maria Kostaridou, Vladimir Gvozden, Dean Duda, Ludmilla Kostova, Alex Drace-Francis, Wendy Bracewell
Berghahn Books, 2009, New York; Oxford , (carte) 175p., ISBN 978-1-84545-788-4
Topics (ro): scrierile calatorilor est europeni - istorie si critica; europeni din Est - calatorie - Europa - istorie; scrieri de calatorie - istorie; Europa - descriere si calatorie
Topics (en): Travelers' writings, East European - History and criticism; East Europeans - Travel - Europe - History; travel writing - history; Europe- description and travel
Position: H.1721/.1722-BRA UDC: 809.93
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Bracewell, Wendy; Drace-Francis, Alex [Eds.]; Mihalache, Adi; Chirico, David; Murdock, Graeme; Popova-Nowak, Irina V.; Kalinowska, Maria; Milutinovic, Zoran; Georgescu, Diana; [...]
Under Eastern Eyes: A Comparative Introduction to East European Travel Writing on Europe/ Edited by Wendy Bracewell and Alex Drace-Francis
Central European University Press, 2008, Budapest; New York , (carte) xii, 388p., ISBN 978-963-9776-11-1
Topics (ro): identitate europeana - ironie romantica; specificitate nationala - identitate europeana; naratiunea de calatorie - gen literar; literartura comparata - scrieri de calatorie est-europene despre Europa
Topics (en): European identity - romantic irony; national specificity - European identity; travel narrative - literary genre; comparative literature - East-European travel writing on Europe
Position: H.1721/.1722-BRA (2) UDC: 821-992(4-11):94(4-11)
Series: East Looks West; Vol.2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC