Antisemitismul si cauzele lui sociale: Schita sociologica / Alexandru Claudian; studiu introductiv, îngrijire de editie si note Constantin Schifirnet
Albatros, 2000, Bucuresti
, (carte) 146 p., ISBN 973-24-077-8
Topics (ro): xenofobie; camata, evrei - biserica crestina - interdictie; ura contra strainului; istoria antisemitismului - crize economice si sociale; antisemitism - cauze sociale; specific evreiesc - sociologie; hitlerism si antisemitism; antisemitism religios Topics (en): xenophobia; usury, Jews - Christian Church, the - interdiction; hate against aliens/ strangers; history of the anti-Semitism - economic and social crisis; anti-Semitism - social causes; Jewish character - sociology; Hitlerism and anti-Semitism; religious | | Position: H.17411-CLA
UDC: 323.12:94(=411.16)
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