New Europe College

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1. Dimitrova, Snezhana
"Vazstanovjavane... Reparatsii... Garantsii...: Frantsija i balkanskite slavjanski darzhavi (septemvri 1918-januarie 1920) [ Restoration of the Historical Justice, Correction of a Painful Past and Guarantees Against a Future German Aggression: France and Balkan Slave States (September 1918 - January 1920)] / Snezhana Dimitrova
Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Neophit Rilski", 1998, Blagoevgrad , (carte) 430 p., ISBN 954-680-085-6
Topics (ro): istorie contemporana - primul razboi mondial - Europa de Est - Balcani; istorie - Balcani - state slave - 1918-1920; istorie - diplomatie - Franta - Balcani - 1918-1920; relatii internationale - Franta - state balcanice, 1918-1920
Topics (en): contemporary history - World War I - Eastern Europe - Balkans; history - Balkans - Slav states - 1918-1920; history - diplomacy - France - Balkans - 1918-1920; international relations - France - Balkanic states - 1918-1920
Position: H.1721-DIM UDC: 327(44:1-924.5)"1918/1920"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Popova, Kristina; Vodenicharov, Petar; Dimitrova, Snezhana
Women and Men in the Past: 19th and 20th Century/ Kristina Popova, Petar Vodenicharov, Snezhana Dimitrova
South-Western University, 2002, Blagoevgrad , (carte) 116p., ISBN 954-680-197-6
Topics (ro): femeile si barbatii in trecut - sec.XIX-XX - Balcani; studii de gen; iubire si mariaj - societatea patriarhala - sociketatea burgheza - societatea comunista; corpul omenesc; educatia; femeia ideala; munca barbatului; munca femeii; politica si emancipare
Topics (en): women and men in the past - 19th-20th c. - Balkans; gender studies; love and marriage - patriarchal society - bourgeois society - communist society; human body; education; ideal woman; work of man; work of woman; politics and emancipation
Position: H.1721-POP UDC: 316":356.2-05(4-12)18/19"(082.8)
Series: International Seminar for Balkan Studies and Specialization
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC