New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 2 (total 2 t: a: ).

1. Hogan, Michael J.
A Cross of Iron: Harry S. Truman and the Origins of the National Security State, 1945-1954/ Michael J. Hogan
Cambridge University Press, 1998, Cambridge; New York , (carte) XII, 526 p., ISBN 0-521-64044-X
Topics (ro): cultura politica - SUA - istorie - sec.XX; razboiul rece; securitate nationala - SUA - istorie - sec.XX; Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972; SUA - relatii externe - 1945-1953; relatii internationale - SUA - sec. XX
Topics (en): political culture - USA - history - 20th century, the; cold war, the; national security - USA - history - 20th century; Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972; USA - external affairs ( diplomatic relations) - 1945-1953; international relations - USA - 20th century
Position: H.173-HOG UDC: 327(73)"19"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Hogan, Michael J. [Ed.]; LaFeber, Walter; Gaddis, John Lewis; Mueller, John; Schlesinger, Arthur Jr.; Filitov, Alexei; Cumings, Bruce; Steel, Ronald; Barnet, Richard J.; [...]
The End of the Cold War: Its Meaning and Implications/ Edited by Michael J. Hogan
Cambridge University Press, 1992, Cambridge; New York , (carte) xv, 294p., ISBN 0-521-43731-8
Topics (ro): razboiul rece - politica mondiala - 1989-; securitate europeana - razboiul rece; politica externa - sfirsitul razboiului rece
Topics (en): cold war, the - world politics - 1989-; European security - cold war, the; foreign policy - end of the cold war
Position: H.17-HOG UDC: 327.54
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC