New Europe College

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1. Bureiko, Nadiia; Huseynova, Sevil; Lyubka, Andriy; Mazanik, Anna; Mudrov, Sergei A.; Negura, Petru; Chunikhin, Kirill; Malyutina, Darya; Nikolaishvili, Sandro; Osipian, Ararat L.; Voronovici, Alexandr; New Europe College (ed.)
New Europe College Yearbook, Pontica Magna Program, 2015-2016, 2016-2017: With/out the EU's Perspective: Europeanisation Narratives in Ukraine/ Nadiia Bureiko; Post-Soviet Transnational Urban Communities: Institutions, Networks and Discourses/ Sevil Huseynova; Seeking the Barbarians: On the Trail of Ovid from Odesa to Balchik/ Andriy Lyubka; School Doctors, Hygiene and the Medicalization of Education in Imperial Moscow, 1889-1914/ Anna Mazanik; The Religious Factor in the Scottish Independence Referendum/ Sergei A. Mudrov; L’enseignement primaire des minorités ethniques dans les zones rurales de Bessarabie et de Transnistrie dans l’entre-deux guerres (1918-1940). Nationalisation et intégration nationale/ Petru Negura; Painting and Sculpture at the American National Exhibition in Moscow, 1959: Defining Success of a Hot Art Show During the Cold War/ Kirill Chunikhin; How Do We Produce Knowledge on a Country During Armed Conflict? The Challenges of Researching Ukraine in the Contexts of Euromaidan and Russia-Ukraine War/ Darya Malyutina; Constructions of Female Authority in the Byzantine Empire and Medieval Georgia: Comparative Approach to the Representation of Queen Tamar (R.1184-1213) and Byzantine Imperial Women/ Sandro Nikolaishvili; How Corruption Destroys Higher Education in Ukraine/ Ararat L. Osipian; Behind Estate: Cossack Particularism and Inadequacies of the National Paradigm/ Oleksandr Polianichev; A Springboard for Revolution?: The Establishment of the Moldovan ASSR and the Competing Visions of its International Revolutionary Role/ Alexandr Voronovici; Edited by New Europe College
New Europe College, 2018, Bucharest , (anuar) 365p., ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): integrare europeana - valori europene - Ucraina; comunitati urbane transnationale post-sovietice; Ovidiu [Publius Ovidius Naso, 43 i.Hr.-17/18 d.Hr.) - Tomis - frontiere - literatura - civilizatie occidentala; doctori - igiena - educatie - Moscova - 1889-
Topics (en): European integration - European values - Ukraine; Post-Soviet transnational urban communities; Ovid [Publius Ovidius Naso, 43 BC-17/18 AD] - Tomis - frontiers - literature - Western civilization; doctors - hygiene - education - Moscow - 1889-1914
Position: anuar NEC UDC: 009(045)
Series: NEC Publications Series: New Europe College Yearbook

2. Huseynova, Sevil; Akopjan, Arsen; Rumjancev, Sergej
Kazal-Safag i Kerkendz: Istorija obmena celami v cituacii Karabahskogo konflikta/ Sevil Husejnova, Arsen Akopjan, Sergej Rumjancev
Heinrich Böll Stiftung South Caucasus, 2008, Tbilisi , (carte) 146p., ISBN 978-9941-9009- 3-8
Topics (ro): istorie - Caucazul de sud - sate - minoritati etnice - conflicte etnice
Topics (en): history - South Caucasus - villages - ethnic minorities - ethnic conflicts
Position: H.1741-HUS UDC: 323.173(479.24:479.25) + 94(479.243) + 341.223.3
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Huseynova, Sevil; Hakobyan, Arsen; Rumyantsev, Sergey
Beyond the Karabakh Conflict: The Story of Village Exchange/ Sevil Huseynova, Arsen Hakobyan, Sergey Rumyantsev
Heinrich Böll Stiftung South Caucasus, 2012, Tbilisi , (carte) 177p., ISBN 978-9941-0-5043-5
Topics (ro): conflict interetnic - persecutii etnice - Caucazul de Sud; conflictul Nagorno-Karabakh
Topics (en): inter-ethnic conflict - ethnic persecutions - South Caucasus; Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
Position: H.174-RUM UDC: 947.9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Rumyantsev, Sergey [Ed.]; Abbasov, Ilham; Mkrtchyan, Satenik; Chikovani, Nino; Suvari, Cakir Ceyhan; Huseynova, Sevil; Zolyan, Mikayel; Baramidze, Ruslan; Kanca, Elif
The South Caucasus and Turkey: History Lessons of the 20th Century/ Editor in chief: Sergey Rumyantsev
Heinrich Böll Stiftung South Caucasus, 2012, Tbilisi , (carte) 210p., ISBN 978-9941-0-4390-1
Topics (ro): relatii externe - Caucazul de Sud - Turcia - sec.XX; istorie - educatie - Caucazul de Sud - Turcia
Topics (en): foreign relations - South Caucasus - Turkey - 20th century; history - education - South Caucasus - Turkey
Position: H.174-RUM UDC: 94(479); 32.01(479)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC