New Europe College Yearbook 1998-1999: Essai sur l'herméneutique "en acte" d'André Scrima/ R. Bercea; The Place of the "Laws of Nature" in the Conceptual Structure of the Scientific Revolution/ D. R. Jalobeanu; Thersholds: A Look at a Few Stages of Architecture/ K. T. Kovacs; The Psychology of Counterintentional Effect/ M. Miclea; Sources of Contemporary Romanian Conservatism/ M. Miroiu; Empathic Meeting From an Intentional to an Expextational Model of Phenomenological Intersubjectivity/ M.-V. Niculescu; La circulation des pouvoirs dans les Pays Roumains au XVIIe siècle. Repères pour un modèle théorique/ R. G. Paun; Iosif Berman - Une généalogie du regard. Essai anthropologique sur un photographe juif de Roumanie/ I. Popescu; L'herméneutique des catégories de l'Occident et de l'Orient dans la culture roumaine du XXe siècle/ M. Spiridon
New Europe College, 2001, Bucuresti
, (carte) 406p., ISBN 973-98624-8-9
Topics (ro): politica - putere; politica - ideologie - conservatorism - România; psihologie; filosofie - cosmologie; hermeneutica biblica - Scrima, André; arhitectura; filosofie - fenomenologie; antropologie - fotografie; cultura româna - Occident - Orient Topics (en): politics - power; politics - ideology - conservatism - Romania; psychology; philosophy - cosmology; biblical hermeneutics - Scrima, André; architecture; philosophy - phenomenology; anthropology - photography; Romanian culture - West, the - East, the | | Position: anuar
UDC: 009(058)
Series: NEC Publications Series: New Europe College Yearbook |
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |