New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 6 (total 6 t: a: ).

1. Boehm, Gottfried [Ed.]; Merleau-Ponty, Maurice; Lacan, Jacques; Gadamer, Hans-Georg; Jonas, Hans; Danto, Arthur C.; Polanyi, Michael; Wohlfart, Günter; Salmann, Elmar; [...]
Was ist ein Bild?/ Herausgegeben von Gottfried Boehm
Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2006, München , (carte) 459p., ISBN 3-7705-2920-0
Topics (ro): imagine - cuvint; libertatea imaginii; linie si lumina; ilustratie si descriere; imagine si absolut; semiotica - arta vizuala; estetica suprematista
Topics (en): image - word; freedom of image; line and light; illustration and description; image and absolute; semiotics - visual art; suprematist aesthetics
Position: U.017-BOE UDC: 7.01; 75.01; 82.01
Series: Bild und Text/ hrsg. von Gottfried Boehm u. Karlheinz Stierle
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Hinchman, Lewis P.; Hinchman, Sandra K.; Villa, Dana R.; Beiner, Ronald; Forti, Simona; Jonas, Hans; Wolin, Sheldon; Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth; Taminiaux, Jacques; Benhabib, Seyla; Canovan, Margaret; [...]
Hannah Arendt: Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers, Volume IV: Arendt and Philosophy / Edited by Garrath Williams
Routledge, 2006, London and New York , (carte) xii, 406 p., ISBN 0-415-37251-8, ISSN 0-415-34330-5 (set)
Topics (ro): filosofie politica - Arendt, Hannah (1906-1975) - Germania; filosofie contemporana - totalitarism - Arendt, Hannah - critica si interpretare; filosofie - Arendt, Hannah - umanism fenomenologic
Topics (en): political philosophy - Arendt, Hannah, 1906-1975 - Germany; contemporary philosophy - totalitarianism - Arendt, Hannah - criticism and interpretation; philosophy - Arendt, Hannah - phenomenological humanism
Position: A.2-ARE-Wil (4) UDC: 32.01 Arendt, Hannah
Series: Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Jonas, Hans (1903-1993)
La religion gnostique: Le message du Dieu Étranger et les débuts du christianisme / Hans Jonas; traduit de l'anglais par Louis Évrard
Flammarion, 1978, Paris , (carte) 508 p., ISBN 2-08-210710-8
Topics (ro): religie - gnosticism - gnoza; cultura greaca - crestinism; literatura gnostica - doctrine - imagerie gnostica; Hermes Trismegistul - ermetism
Topics (en): religion - gnosticism - gnosis; Greek culture - Christianity / Christianism; gnostic literature - doctrine - gnostic imagery; Hermes Trismegistus - hermetism
Position: AS/G-153 UDC: 273.1
Series: Idées et recherches
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Jonas, Hans (1903-1993)
The Phenomen of Life: Toward a Philosophical Biology / Hans Jonas; With a foreword by Lawrence Vogel
Northwestern University Press, 2000, Evanston, Illinois , (carte) xxiv, 304 p., ISBN 0-8101-1749-5 (pbk)
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Jonas, Hans (1903-1993) - Germania; filosofie - existentialism - biologism - Jonas, Hans; filosofia vietii - existentialism - Jonas, Hans
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - Jonas, Hans, 1903-1993 - Germany; philosophy - existentialism - biologism - Jonas, Hans; philosophy of life - existentialism - Jonas, Hans
Position: A.2-JON UDC: 141.32*Jonas, Hans
Series: Northwestern University Studies of Phenomenology an Existential Philosophy
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Jonas, Hans (1903-1993)
Erinnerungen: Nach Gesprächen mit Rachel Salamander/ Hans Jonas; Vorwort von Rachel Salamander; Geleitwort von Lore Jnas; Herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Christian Wiese
Insel Verlag, 2003, Frankfurt am Main, Leipzig , (carte) 503p., ISBN 3-458-17156-8
Topics (ro): literatura germana - memorialistica - Jonas, Hans - sec.XX; filosofie - Jonas, Hans, 1903-1993 - Germania - sec.XX; filosofie si istorie - sec.XX
Topics (en): German literature - memoirs - Jonas, Hans - 20th c.; philosophy - Jonas, Hnas, 1903-1993 - Germany - 20th c.; philosophy and history - 20th c.
Position: A.2-JON UDC: 14*Jonas,Hans
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Natanson, Maurice [Ed.]; Asch, Solomon E.; Ayer, A.J.; Goldstein, Leon J.; Hempel, Carl G.; Hula, Erich; Jonas, Hans; Lavine, Thelma Z.; Lowe, Adolph; Merleau-Ponty, Maurice; [...]
Philosophy of the Social Sciences: A reader/ Edited by Maurice Natanson
Random House, 1963, New York , (carte) xiv, 561p.
Topics (ro): filosofia stiintelor sociale; stiinta si societate; teorie si practica; obiectivitate si valoare; concepte - constructe - formarea teoriei; filosofie si sociologie
Topics (en): philosophy of social sciences; science and society; theory and practice; objectivity and value; concepts - constructs - theory formation; philosophy and sociology
Position: L.01-NAT UDC: 30:1