Opere, volumul III: Discursuri edificatoare (1843-1844). Trei discursuri la ocazii imaginate/ Soren Kierkegaard; Traducere din daneza, introducere si note de Ana-Stanca Tabarasi
Humanitas, 2006, Bucuresti
, (carte) 687p., ISBN 978-973-50-3280-7
Topics (ro): rugaciune; timp si eternitate - bine si rau; Sinele si Dumnezeu - teologie - filosofie - psihologie; filosofie - Kierkegaard, Soren - sec.XIX; iubire; rabdare; curaj; decizie; moarte Topics (en): prayer; time and eternity - good and evil; Self and God - theology - philosophy - psychology; philosophy - Kierkegaard, Soren - 19th c.; love; patience; curage; decision; death | | Position: A.2-KIE (3)
UDC: 821.113.4-96=135.1; 14*Kierkegaard,S.
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