New Europe College

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1. Lorca, Federico Garcia, 1898-1936
Obras completas/ Federico Garcia Lorca; Recopilacion y notas de Arturo del Hoyo; Prologo de Jorge Guillen; Epilogo de Vicente Aleixandre
Aguilar, 1963, Madrid , (carte) LXXIX, 2018p.
Topics (ro): literatura spaniola - poezie spaniola - sec.XX; desen - Spania - sec.XX
Topics (en): Spanish literature - Spanish poetry - 20th century; drawing - Spain - 20th century, the
Position: AS/M-103 UDC: 821.134.2"19"Lorca,F.G.

2. Lorca, Federico Garcia, 1898-1936
Federico Garcia Lorca: poèmes, documents, bibliographie/ Études par Armand Guibert et Louis Parrot; dessins de F.G. Lorca
Seghers, 1965, Paris , (carte) 223p.
Topics (ro): literatura spaniola - Lorca, Federico Garcia (1898-1936); poezie spaniola - Lorca, Federico Garcia - sec.XX; desen - Lorca, F.G. - Spania - sec.XX
Topics (en): Spanish literature - Lorca, Federico Garcia (1898-1936); Spanish poetry - Lorca, Federico Garcia - 20th century; drawing - Lorca, F. G. - Spain - 20th century, the
Position: AS/M-104 UDC: 821.134.2"19"Lorca,F.G.
Series: Poètes d'aujourd'hui; 7