New Europe College

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1. Adam, Barbara; Bauman, Zygmunt; Beck, Ulrich; Beck-Gernsheim, Elisabeth; Campbell, Colin; Heelas, Paul; Lash, Scott; Luckmann, Thomas; Luhmann, Niklas; Luke, Timothy W.; Poster, Mark; Rose, Nikolas; Sennett, Richard
Detraditionalization: Critical Reflections on Authority and Identity/ Edited by Paul Heelas, Scott Lash and Paul Morris
Blackwell Publishers, 1999, Oxford , (carte) X,, 348 p., ISBN 1-55786-555-8
Topics (ro): autoritate; aculturatie; postmodernism - aspecte sociale; civilizatie - sec. XX; ateism - secularizare; traditie - identitate - detraditionalizare; identitate; sociologie - valori sociale; privatizarea religiei - moralitate; globalizare; individualizare
Topics (en): authority; acculturation; postmodernism - social aspects; civilization - 20th century; atheism - secularization; tradition - identity - detraditionalization; identity; sociology - social values; privatization of religion - morality; globalization; individ
Position: G.1r6-HEE UDC: 211.5
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Allain, Marie-Franèoise; Chesnelong, Bénédicte; Galmiche, Xavier; Garde, Paul; Hassner, Pierre; Kadaré, Ismaïl; Kerorguen, Yan de; Kullashi, Muhamedin; Lukic, Renéo; Maliqi, Shkëlzen; Nahoum-Grappe, Véronique
Kosovo: Un drame annoncé / sous la direction de Antoine Garapon, Olivier Mongin; contributions: Marie-Françoise Allain, Bénédicte Chesnelong, Xavier Galmiche, Paul Garde, Pierre Hassner, Ismaïl Kadaré, Yan de Kerorguen, Muhamedin Kullashi, Renéo Lukic, Shkëlzen Maliqi, Véronique Nahoum-Grappe
Éditions Michalon, 1999, Paris , (carte) 294 p., ISBN 2-84186-113-9
Topics (ro): istorie contemporana - Europa de Sud-Est - Kosovo - razboi - sec. XX; istorie - nationalism - razboi - fosta Iugoslavie - Kosovo - sec. XX
Topics (en): contemporary history - South-Eastern Europe - Kosovo - war - 20th century; history - nationalism - war - former Yugoslavia - Kosovo - 20th century
Position: H.1721-GAR UDC: 940.55(497 Kosovo)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Allen, N. J.; Carrithers, Michael; Collins, Steven; Dumont, Louis; Elvin, Mark; Hollis, Martin; La Fontaine, J. S.; Lienhardt, Godfrey; Lukes, Steven; Momigliano, A.; Sanderson, Alexis
The Category of the Person: Anthropology, Philosophy, History / Edited by Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins, Steven Lukes
Cambridge University Press, 1999, Cambridge - New York , (carte) x, 310 p., ISBN 0-521-27757-4 (pbk)
Topics (ro): antropologie - persoana - sine - individ - identitate persoanal; individualism modern - antropologie; sine - studii culturale - personalitate; individualism - studii culturale; Mauss, Marcel, 1872-1950 - antropologie - prelegeri
Topics (en): anthropology - person - the self - individual - personal identity; modern individualism - anthropology; the self - cultural studies - personality; individualism - cultural studies; Mauss, Marcel, 1872-1950 - anthropology - lectures
Position: P-CAR UDC: 302.5
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Ashcraft, Richard; Barber, Benjamin R.; Benhabib, Seyla; Galston, William; Gutmann, Amy; Holmes, Stephen; Kateb, George; Lukes, Steven; Okin, Susan Moller; Rosenblum, Nancy L.; Shklar, Judith N.; Taylor, Charles
Liberalism and the Moral Life / edited by Nancy L. Rosenblum
Harvard University Press, 1989, Cambridge, MA - London , (carte) vi, 302 p., ISBN 0-674-53020-9
Topics (ro): pluralism politic; individualism; comunitarianism - greseli; liberalism umanist - valori sociale; constitutionalism; liberalism - aspecte morale si etice; stiinte politice - liberalism - tipuri; educatie civica - stat liberal
Topics (en): political pluralism; individualism; communitarianism - mistakes; humanist liberalism - social values; constitutionalism; liberalism - moral and ethical aspects; political sciences - liberalism - types; civic education - liberal state
Position: Ja.42-ROS UDC: 329.12
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Baban, Adriana; Daskalova, Krassimira; Dölling, Irene; Ferree, Myra Marx; Fuszara, Malgorzata; Gal, Susan; Giza-Poleszczuk, Anna; Goven, Joanna; Grünberg, Laura; Hahn, Daphne; Kligman, Gail; Kovacs, Katalin; Lukic, Jasmina; Maleck-Lewy, Eva; [...]
Reproducerea diferentelor de gen: Politici, sfera publica si viata cotidiana in tarile postsocialiste / ed.: Susan Gal si Gail Kligman; Traducere de Mihaela Frunza
Fundatiei pentru Studii Europene, 2003, Cluj-Napoca , (carte) 610 p., ISBN 973-8254-57-4
Topics (ro): studii de gen - politici de gen - sfera publica - tari postsocialiste; feminism - viata cotidiana - tari postsocialiste; feminism - sexualitate - reproducere - politici publice - tari postsocialiste; studii de gen - femei - relatii de gen
Topics (en): gender studies - gender policies - public sphere - post-socialist countries; feminism - everyday life - post-socialist countries; feminism - sexuality - reproduction - public policies - post-socialist countries; gender studies - women - gender relations
Position: R-GAL UDC: 395(045)
Series: Studii culturale; 7
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Bell, David [Ed.]; Benedikt, Michael; Edwards, Paul N.; Bush, Wannevar; Ceruzzi, Paul; Abbate, Janet; Luke, Timothy W.; Holderness, Mike; Poster, Mark; Servon, Lisa; Lally, Elaine; Graham, Stephen; [...]
Cybercultures: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies, Volume 1: Mapping Cyberculture/ Edited by David Bell
Routledge, 2006, London and New York , (carte) xx, 350 p., ISBN 0-415-34399-2
Topics (ro): cibernetica - comunitati virtuale; studii culturale - cibernetica - computere - evolutie; cibercultura
Topics (en): cybernetics - virtual communities; cultural studies - cybernetics - computers - evolution; cyberculture
Position: Sc-BEL (1) UDC: 007
Series: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Benjamin, Walter; Williams, Raymond; Goldmann, Lucien; Marcuse, Herbert; Gramsci, Antonio; Lukacs, Georg; Horkheimer, Max; Adorno, Theodor; Swingewood, Alan; Eliot, T. S.; Gasset, Ortega y; Gans, H. J.
Culture: Critical Concepts in Sociology. Volume II / Edited by Chris Jenks
Routledge, 2003, London - New York , (carte) viii, 280 p., ISBN 0-415-22692-9, ISSN 0-415-22690-2 (set)
Topics (ro): industrie culturala; modernism - ideologie; cultura si materialism; cultura - sociologie; politica si cultura; stratificare cultuala; cultura si colectivism; cultura de masa
Topics (en): cultural industry; modernism - ideology; culture and materialism; culture - sociology; politics and culture; cultural stratification; culture and collectivism; mass culture
Position: Sc-JEN (2) UDC: 316.343.7
Series: Routledge Critical Concepts in Sociology
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Campbell, Stephen J.; Milner, Stephen J. [Eds.]; O'Malley, Michelle; Holmes, Megan; Zuraw, Shelley E.; Syson, Luke; Clarke, Georgia; Edelstein, Bruce L.; Krohn, Deborah L.
Artistic Exchange and Cultural Translation in the Italian Renaissance city/ Edited by Stephen J. Campbell, Stephen J. Milner
Cambridge University Press, 2004, Cambridge, New York , (carte) xiv, 371p., ISBN 0-521-82688-8
Topics (ro): arta italiana; arta Renasterii - Italia; arta si societate - Italia; difuzarea culturii - regionalism - Italia
Topics (en): Italian art; Renaissance art - Italy; art and society - Italy; culture diffusion - regionalism - Italy
Position: U.15-CAM UDC: 709(450)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Copland, Robert; Walker, Gilbert; Awdeley, John; Harman, Thomas; Greene, Robert; Hutton, Luke; Middleton, Thomas; Dekker, Thomas; Rid, Samuel; Fennor, William; Gyffon, James
Key Writings on Subcultures, 1535-1727: Classics from the Underworld. Volume I: The Elizabethan Underworld: A Collection of Tudor and Early Stuart Tracts and Ballads / Edited by A. V. Judges
Routledge, 2002, London and New York , (carte) lxvi, 544 p., ISBN 0-415-28676-X, ISSN 0-415-28675-1 (set)
Topics (ro): istorie sociala - hoti, vagabonzi - Anglia - dinastia Tudor - dinastia Stuart, 1535-1727; istorie sociala - criminalitate - Anglia, 1535-1727 - balade - folclor; subculturi - istorie sociala
Topics (en): social history - thiefs, vagrants, vagabonds - England - Tudor dinasty - Stuart dynasty, 1535-1727; social history - criminality - England, 1535-1727 - ballads - folklore; subcultures - social history
Position: H.0e-K.W.S. (1) UDC: 941"1535/1727"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Costello, Diarmuid; Iversen, Margaret [Eds.]; Vinegar, Aron; James, Sarah E.; Hughes, Gordon; Skrebowski, Luke; Godfrey, MArk; Trodd, Tamara; Conley, Christine; Brückle, Wolfgang
Photography after Conceptual Art/ Edited by Diarmuid Costello and Margaret Iversen
WileypBlackwell, 2012, Malden; Oxford; Chichester , (carte) viii, 200p., ISBN 978-1-4443336-02
Topics (ro): fotografie - arta conceptuala; Ruscha - Heidegger - fotografie; subiect - obiect - mimesis; teoria fotografiei - Bouchner, Mel; Wall, Jeff
Topics (en): photography - conceptual art; Ruscha - Heidegger - photography; subject - object - mimesis; theory of photography - Bouchner, Mel; Wall, Jeff
Position: Ub-COS UDC: 770.1
Series: Art History Special Issue Book Series
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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