New Europe College

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1. Botic, Sebastian; Covaci, Valentina; Cucu, Alina Sandra; Dipratu, Radu; Filipovici, Anca; Mateescu, Bogdan; Matei, oana Lidia; Popa, Ion; Pricop, Cosmin Daniel; New Europe College
New Europe College Stefan Odobleja Program Yearbook: 2018-2019: Judging Originality: the limits of intellectual property in architectural works/ Sebastian Botic; Contested Orthodoxy: Latins and Greeks in late medieval Jerusalem/ Valentina Covaci; Cars and Global Late Socialism/ Alina-Sandra Cucu; The Imperial Signs' (Nisan-i Hümayun): framing Muslim-Christian Relations in the seventeenth century Mediterranean/ Radu Dipratu; The Youth and the Unified Nation: social control and discipline in Romanian interwar high schools/ Anca Filipovici; The Structure of Rural Households in 19th century Moldavia and Wallachia: approaching old censuses, revisiting paradigms/Bogdan Mateescu; Plants as instruments of Knowledge in Early Modern Natural Philosophy/ Oana Lidia Matei; The British Connection: Jews and Judaism in the Anglican-Romanian Orthodox interfaith relations/ Ion Popa; Wie wohnt Jesus Gemäss den Apokryphen Thomasakten?/Cosmin Daniel Pricop [editor: Irina Vainovski-Mihai]
New Europe College, [s.a.], Bucuresti , (anuar) 281p., ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): socialism - industrie auto - masini; Moldova - Tara Romaneasca - sec.XIX - recensamant; Ierusalim - Biserica Sfantului Mormant; diplomatie - Imperiul Otoman - Venetia - capitulatii; educatie - licee - Romania interbelica; arhitectura - proprietate intelec
Topics (en): socialism - car industry - cars; Moldavia - Wallachia - 19thc. - census; Jerusalem - Church of the Holy Sepulchre; diplomacy - Ottoman Empire, the - Venice - capitulations; education - highschools - interwar Romania; architecture - intellectual property
Position: anuar NEC UDC: 009(045)
Series: NEC Publications Series: New Europe College Yearbook

2. Mateescu, Bogdan
Giurgiu de la cetate la oras: epoca modernizarii (1830-1860) / Bogdan Mateescu; cuvant inainte de Florentin Breazu si Emil Paunescu
Integral, 2023, Giurgiu , (carte) 256p.: tab.,fig.,pla, ISBN 978-606-992-726-7
Topics (ro): istorie - Romania - Giurgiu - 1830/1860; orase - Romania - Giurgiu - 1830/1860; urbanism - Romania - Giurgiu - 1830/1860
Topics (en): history - Romania - Giurgiu - 1830/1860; towns - Romania - Giurgiu - 1830/1860; urban planning - Romania - Giurgiu - 1830/1860
Position: B-MAT UDC: 908(498)Gourgiu''1830/1860''
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Roman, Nicoleta (coordonator); Barbulescu, Constantin; Barbulescu, Elena; Bedreag, Elena; Brad-Chisacof, Lia; Caramelea, Ramona; Dumanescu, Luminita; Ionescu, Adrian-Silvan; Jinga, Luciana; Mateescu, Bogdan; Mihalache, Catalina; Pippidi, Andrei; Vintila-G
Copilaria româneasca intre familie si societate (secolele XVII-XX)/ coordonator: Nicoleta Roman
Nemira, 2015, Bucuresti , (carte) 419p., ISBN 978-606-758-277-2
Topics (ro): istorie sociala - istoria familiei - Tarile române - sec. XVII-XX; istoria României - istorie sociala - istoria copilariei - sec. XVII-XX
Topics (en): social history - family history - Romanian principalities - 17th-20th c.; history of Romania - social history - history of childhood - 17th-20th c.
Position: Vh.4/.6-ROM UDC: 159.922.7; 37.018.1
Series: Epoca
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC