New Europe College

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1. Moreux, Th.
Pour continuer l'algèbre/ par l'Abbé Th. Moreux
G. Doin & Cie. Éditeurs, 1925, Paris , (carte) 107p.
Topics (ro): matematica - algebra; monom - polinom - operatie algebrica; ecuatii - inegalitati; patrate - radacini; trinom ; functii
Topics (en): mathematics - algebra; monomial - polynomial - algebric operation; equations - inequalities; sqares - roots; trinom; functions
Position: CP-74 UDC: 51

2. Moreux, Th.
Pour comprendre le calcul différentiel/ par l'Abbé Th. Moreux
Librairie Octave Doin, 1927, Paris , (carte) 223p.
Topics (ro): matematica - calcul diferential; functii - variabile; curba - ecuatia curbei; ecuatia cercului; ecuatia elipsei; ecuatia parabolei; reprezentari grafice; ecuatia hiperbolei
Topics (en): mathematics - differential calculus; functions - variables; curve - curve equation; the equation of the circle; the equation of the ellipse; the equation of the parabola; graphic representations; the equation of the hyperbole
Position: CP-75 UDC: 51