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1. Barthes, Roland; Mandrou, Robert; Braudel, Fernand; Derrida, Jacques; Matza, David; Serres, Michel; Blanchot, Maurice; Stone, Lawrence; Porter, Roy; Scull, Andrew; Howe, Marguerite; Osborne, Thomas; Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel; Deleuze, Gilles; Geertz, Cliff
Michel Foucault: Critical Assessments. Volume IV / Edited by Barry Smart
Routledge, 1995, London - New York , (carte) 448 p., ISBN 0-415-11231-1, ISSN 0-415-11230-3 (set)
Topics (ro): filosofie - Foucault, Michel (despre) - Franta - sec. XX; filosofie - psihologie - nebunie - medicina psihiatrica, critica; Foucault - rationalitate - putere - subiectivitate; pedeapsa - sociologie; cunoastere, vointa - filosofie; epistemologie - medicin
Topics (en): philosophy - Foucault, Michel - France - 20th century; philosophy - psychology - insanity, madness - psychiatric medicine, critique; Foucault - rationality - power - subjectivity; punishment - sociology; knowledge - will - philosophy; epistemology - medic
Position: A.2-FOU-Sma (4) UDC: 14*Foucault, Michel
Series: Routledge Critical Assessments
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Bynum, W.F.; Porter, Roy; Sheperd, Michael; Allderidge, Patricia; Elgen, Joel Peter; Digby, Anne; Godlee, Flona; Qvarsell, Roger; Hervey, N.; Walton, J.K.; Mackenzie, Charlotte; Tagliavini, Annamaria; Harris, Ruth; Stone, Martin
The Anatomy of Madness: Essays in the History of Psychiatry: Volume II: Institutions and Society/ Edited by W.F. Bynum, Roy Porter, and Michael Sheperd
Tavistock Publications, c.1985, London and New York , (carte) xiv, 283p., ISBN 0-415-32384-3
Topics (ro): psihiatrie - nebunie; tulburari nervoase; lunatici; crima sub hipnoza; tratamentul bolilor mentale - azil - casa de nebuni
Topics (en): psychiatry - madness; nervous disorders; lunatics; murder under hypnosis; treatment of the mentally ill - asylum -
Position: Db.0-POR (2) UDC: 616.89
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Bynum, W.F.; Porter, Roy; Shepherd, Michael; Stevenson, Christine; Ernst, Waltraud; Clark, Michael J.; Guarnieri, Patrizia; Donat, James G.; Turner, Trevor; Tomes, Nancy; Harrington, Anne; Chchrane, David; Saunders, Janet; Russell, Richard; Thompson, Marg
The Anatomy of Madness: Essays in the History of Psychiatry: Volume III: The Asylum and Its Psychiatry/ Edited by W.F. Bynum, Roy Porter, and Michael Sheperd
Routledge, 2004, London and New York , (carte) xi, 353p., ISBN 0-415-32385-1
Topics (ro): psihiatrie - nebunie; tulburari nervoase; azil - tratamentul bolilor nervoase; medicina psihologica - introspectie morbida; soma - psyche - psihiatrie; isterie - hipnoza - neo-mesmerism; alcolism
Topics (en): psychiatry - madness; nervous disorders; asylum - treatment of the nervous disorders; psychological medicine - morbid introspection; soma - psyche - psychiatry; hysteria - hypnosis - neo-mesmerism; alcoholism
Position: Db.0-POR (3) UDC: 616.89
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Corbin, Alain; Courtine, Jean-Jacques; Vigarello, Georges (coord.); Arasse, Daniel; Gélis, Jacques; Mandressi, Rafael; Matthews-Grieco, Sara F. ; Pellegrin, Nicole; Porter, Roy
Istoria corpului: I. De la Renastere la Secolul Luminilor/ Volum coordonat de Georges Vigarello; Autori: Daniel Arasse, Jean-Jacques Courtine, Jacques Gélis, Rafael Mandressi, Sara F. Matthews-Grieco, Nicole Pellegrin, Roy Porter, Georges Vigarello; Traducere din limba franceza de Simona Manolache, Gina Puica, Muguras Constantinescu, Giuliano Sfichi
Editura Art, 2008, Bucuresti , (carte) 608p., ISBN 978-973124-154-8
Topics (ro): corp si sexualitate; tinerete - maturitate - mariaj; miracole - relicve; corp sacru - Biserica - corpul Mintuitorului; istoria corpului omenesc - de la Renastere la Iluminism; corpul - oglinda sufletului; corpul regelui
Topics (en): body and sexuality; youth - maturity/ ripeness - marriage; miracles-relicts; sacred body - Church - body of the Saviour; history of human body - from Renaissance to Enlightenment; body - mirror of the soul; body of the king
Position: Sf-COR (1) UDC: 611
Series: Carti cardinale
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Corbin, Alain; Courtine, Jean-Jacques; Vigarello, Georges [Eds.]; Arasse, Daniel; Gélis, Jacques; Mandressi, Rafael; Matthews-Grieco, Sara F. ; Pellegrin, Nicole; Porter, Roy
Histoire du corps: [en 3 volumes]/ sous la direction de Alain Corbin, Jean-Jacques Courtine, Georges Vigarello. Volume 1: De la Renaissance aux Lumières/ volume dirigé par Georges Vigarello
Éditions du Seuil, 2005, Paris , (carte) 592p., ISBN 2-02-022-452-6
Topics (ro): istoria corpului omenesc - de la Renastere la Iluminism; corp sacru - Biserica - corpul Mintuitorului; miracole - relicve; corp si sexualitate; tinerete - maturitate - mariaj; corpul - oglinda sufletului; corpul regelui
Topics (en): history of human body - from Renaissance to Enlightenment; sacred body - Church - body of the Saviour; relicts - miracles; body and sexuality; youth - maturity/ ripeness - marriage; body - mirror of the soul; body of the king
Position: Sf-COR (1) UDC: 576.000.008(09)
Series: l'Univers historique
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Lindberg, David C.; Numbers Ronald L. [Gen. Eds.]; Porter, Roy [Ed. of vol.4]; Reill, P.H.; Brockliss, L.; McClellan, J.; Fox, R.; Cooter, M.F.; Cooter, R.; Shapin, St.; Schiebinger, l.; [...]
The Cambridge History of Science: Volume 4: Eighteenth-Century Science
Cambridge University Press, 2003, Cambridge, New York , (carte) xxx, 912p., ISBN 0-521-57243-6
Topics (ro): stiinta - istorie - sec.XVIII; istoria stiintei - sec.XVIII; Iluminism - stiinta si societate; universitatile; institutii stiintifice - organizarea stiintei; filosofia stiintei; instrumente stiintifice; stiinta, arta si reprezentare; omul de stiinta
Topics (en): science - history - 18th c.; history of science - 18th c.; Enlightenment - science and society; universities, the; scientific institutions - organization of science; philosophy of science; scientific instruments; science, art and representation; man of sc
Position: B.10-C.H.S. (4) UDC: 5/6(09)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Porter, Roy
The Creation of the Modern World: The Untold Story of the British Enlightenment / Roy Porter
W. W. Norton & Company, 2000, New York - London , (carte) xxiv, 728 p., ISBN 0-393-04872-1
Topics (ro): istorie - sec. XVIII - iluminism - Imp. Britanic; modernitate - Anglia - influente culturale - Bacon - Newton - Locke - Europa; istorie culturala britanica - influente - iluminism - sec. XVIII
Topics (en): -
Position: H.162-POR UDC: 942"17"
Series: History
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Porter, Roy
Madness: A Brief History / Roy Porter
Oxford University Press, 2002, Oxford - New York , (carte) 242 p., ISBN 0-19-280267-4
Topics (ro): boli mintale - nebunie - istorie; psihiatrie - nebunie - istorie; psihiatrie - boli mintale - tratamente - istorie; nebunie - tratamente - terapie - socuri electrice - istorie; psihanaliza - nebunie
Topics (en): -
Position: Db.0-POR UDC: 616.89(100)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. PORTER, Roy [ ed.1946-2002]
The Cambridge History of Medicine/ edited by Roy Porter
Cambridge University Press, 2011, New York , (carte) 408p., ISBN 978-0-521-68289-3
Topics (ro): medicina - istorie
Topics (en): medicine - history
Position: B.10-POR UDC: 610(09)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Porter, Roy; Varey, Simon; Roberts, Marie Mulvey; Williams, Carolyn D.; Alsop, Derek; Jones, Vivien; Clery, E. J.; Manning, Susan
Pleasure in the Eighteenth Century / Edited by Roy Porter and Marie Mulvey Roberts
MacMillan Press Ltd, 1996, London , (carte) xvi, 274 p., ISBN 0-333-62977-9
Topics (ro): placere - sec.XVIII - studii culturale; Iluminism - placere; placere materiala - societatea de consum; placere estetica - sec.XVIII - viata sociala - homosocialitate - societate de consum - sociologie culturala
Topics (en): -
Position: H.162-POR UDC: 316.343.7"17"
Series: Themes in Focus
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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