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1. Papadopoulos, Stylianos
Viata, activitatea si opera Sfântului Ioan Hrisostom/ Stylianos Papadopoulos; Traducere de Lect. Dr. Octavian Gordon
Editura Byzantina, 2014, Bucuresti , (carte) 264p., ISBN 978-606-8112-27-5
Topics (ro): patristica - sf. Ioan Gura de Aur (Hrisostomul) - sec. IV-V; biografie - scrieri teologice - Ioan Gura de Aur (Hrisostomul)
Topics (en): patristics - John Chrysostom, Saint, A.D. 347-407 - 4th-5th c.; biography - theological writings - John Chrysostom, St.
Position: G.1r2a-IOA(Hr)-Pap UDC: 235.3Ioan Gura de Aur; 929Ioan Gura de Aur
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Papadopoulos, Stylianos
Gândirea teologica a Sfântului Ioan Hrisostom/ Stylianos Papadopoulos; Traducere de Lect. Dr. Sabin Preda
Editura Byzantina, 2013, Bucuresti , (carte) 404p., ISBN 978-606-8112-26-8
Topics (ro): gândire teologica - sf. Ioan Gura de Aur (Hrisostomul) - sec. IV-V; crestinism - patristica - Ioan Gura de Aur, sf. (Hrisostomul)
Topics (en): theological thinking - John Chrysostom, Saint, A.D. 347-407 - 4th-5th c.; Christianity / Christianism - patristics - John Chrysostom, Saint
Position: G.1r2a-IOA(Hr)-Pap UDC: 235.3Ioan Gura de Aur; 929Ioan Gura de Aur
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Papadopoulos, Stylianos G.
Patrologie, Vol.I: Introducere, Secolele II si III/ Stylianos G. Papadopoulos; Traducere de Adrian Marinescu
Editura Bizantina, 2006, Bucuresti , (carte) 464p., ISBN 973-9492-82-7
Topics (ro): istoria patrologiei - colectii - editii - traduceri; patrologie - Parintii Bisericii Crestine - definitie - structura - clasificare; religie - crestinism - patrologie - sec.II-III; Parintii Bisericii Crestine - sec.II-III
Topics (en): history of patrology - collections - editions - translations; patrology - Early Church Fathers - definition - structure - classification; religion - Christianity/ Christianism - patrology - 2nd-3rd c.; Early Church Fathers - 2nd-3rd c.
Position: G.1r2a-PAP (1) UDC: 276
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC