New Europe College

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1. Paraschiv, Mihaela
Femeia in Roma Antica; editia a II-a, revizuita si adaugita/ Mihaela Paraschiv
Editura Junimea, 2003, Iasi , (carte) 292p., ISBN 973-37-0866-6
Topics (ro): istoria civilizatiei - femeia - Roma antica; femeia - nume - statut juridic - viata de familie - antichitate ; femeia in Roma antica
Topics (en): history of civilization - woman - ancient Rome; woman - name - juridical statute - family life - antiquity; woman in ancient Rome
Position: DS/N-28 UDC: 396(37)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Paraschiv, Mihaela
Documentele latine de cancelarie din Moldova (secolele XIV-XVIII): Studiu lingvistic si stilistic/ Mihaela Paraschiv
Editura Junimea, 2004, Iasi , (carte) 488p., ISBN 973-37-0981-6
Topics (ro): documente latine - Moldova - sec.XIV-XVIII - studiu lingvistic si stilistic; paleografie latina - diplomatica latina - documente latine românesti
Topics (en): Latin documents - Moldavia - 14-18th c. - linguistics and stylistics study; Latin palaeography - Latin diplomatic - Romanian Latin documents
Position: DS/E-51 UDC: 811.124; 94(498.3)"13/"17(093.2)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC