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1. Academia Româna, Sectia de Stiinte Istorice si Arheologie; Adaniloaie, Nichita; Berindei, Dan; Bocsan, Nicolae; Gyémánt, Ladislau; Iacobescu, Mihai; Maior, Liviu; Porteanu, Alexandru; Platon, Gheorghe; Retegan, Simion; Zbuchea, Gh.
Istoria Românilor, Vol. VII, tom I: Constituirea României moderne (1821-1878) / Coordonator: Acad. Dan Berindei; Autori: Nichita Adaniloaie, Dan Berindei, Nicolae Bocsan, Ladislau Gyémánt, Mihai Iacobescu, Liviu Maior, Alexandru Porteanu, Gheorghe Platon, Simion Retegan, Gheorghe Zbuchea
Enciclopedica, 2003, Bucuresti , (carte) xlvi, 974 + 48 pl., ISBN 973-45-0429-0, ISSN 973-45-0381-2
Topics (ro): Revolutia de la 1821 - Tudor Vladimirescu - Principatele Române; istorie moderna - Tarile Române - 1821-1849; istorie - România - sex. XIX; Revolutia de la 1848; Unirea Principatelor Române - 1859; Razboiul de Independenta - 1877; cultura - 1838-1878
Topics (en): Revolution from 1821 - Tudor Vladimirescu - Romanian Principalities, the; modern history - Romanian Principalities, the - 1821-1849; history - Romania - 19th c.; 1848 revolution; Union of Romanian Principalities - 1859; Independence War - 1877; culture -
Position: Vh.2-ACAD (7.1) UDC: 949.8"1821/1878"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Academia Româna, Sectia de Stiinte Istorice si Arheologie; Agrigoroaiei, Ion; Bulei, Ion; Cristian, Vasile; Iacob, Gh.; Iacobescu, Mihai; Iordache, Anastasie; Maior, Liviu; Mureseanu, Sorin; Platon, Gh.; Platon, Maria; Zbuchea, Gh.
Istoria Românilor, Vol. VII, tom II: De la Independenta la Marea Unire (1878-1918) / Coordonator: Acad. Gheorghe Platon; Autori: Ion Agrigoroaiei, Ion Bulei, Vasile Cristian, Gheorghe Iacob, Mihai Iacobescu, Anastasie Iordache, Liviu Maior, Sorin Mureseanu, Gheorghe Platon, Maria Platon, Gheorghe Zbuchea
Enciclopedica, 2003, Bucuresti , (carte) xiv, 692 p. +40 pl., ISBN 973-45-0430-4, ISSN 973-45-0381-2
Topics (ro): istorie - România - sec. XIX; istorie - societate si economie - România, 1878-1918; viata politica - partide politice - România -1878-1914; politica externa - România - 1878-1914; primul razboi mondial; Marea Unire - 1918
Topics (en): history - Romania - 19th century; history - society and economy - Romania, 1878-1918; political life - political Parties - Romania - 1878-1914; foreign policy - Romania - 1878-1914; World War I; Great Union, the - 1918
Position: Vh.2-ACAD (7.2) UDC: 949.8"1878/1918"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Agrigoroaiei, I.; Buzatu, Gh.; Cristian V. (coord.); Gorovei, Stefan S. [Ed.]; Guboglu, Mihail; Denize, Eugen; Iosipescu, Sergiu; Andreescu, Stefan; Pippidi, Andrei; Toderascu, Ion; Ciurea, D.; Holban, Maria; Paltânea Paul; Badarau, Gabriel; Platon, Gh.;
Românii in istoria universala, III: Izvoare straine pentru istoria românilor/ Coordonatori: I. Agrigoroaiei, Gh. Buzatu, V. Cristian; Volum ingrijit de Stefan S. Gorovei
Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza", 1988, Iasi , (carte) xvi, 456p.
Topics (ro): istorie universala - istoria românilor - izvoare straine; cronici; calatori straini - Tarile Române; tiparituri vechi - presa; corespondenta diplomatica; arhiva istorica - România contemporana; miscellanea
Topics (en): world history ( universal history) - Romanians history - foreign sources; chronicles; foreign travelers - Romanian Principalities; old printings - press; diplomatic correspondence; historical archive - contemporary Romania; miscellanea
Position: DS/K-41 UDC: 930.9(948)
Series: "Monografii Istorice"; III3

4. Aristotel; Hobbes, Thomas; Locke, John; Montesquieu, Baron de; Rousseau, Jean-Jacques; Owen, Robert; Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich; Darwin, Charles; Kropotkin, Peter; Platon; Mill, John Stuart; Gilligan, Carol; [...]
Political Thought / Edited by Michael Rosen and Jonathan Wolff; with the assistance of Catriona McKinnon
Oxford University Press, 1999, New York; Oxford , (carte) xv, 442 p., ISBN 0-19-289278-9
Topics (ro): lege - morala; libertati - drepturi; filosofie politica - gindire politica - antologie - drept natural - ideologie politica; natura umana; stiinte politice - statul; democratia; justitie economica; liberalism; progres si civilizatie
Topics (en): law - moral philosophy; liberties - rights; political philosophy - political thinking - anthology - natural law - political ideology; human nature; political sciences - the state; democracy; economic justice; liberalism; progress and civilization
Position: J.01-ROS UDC: 32.01
Series: Oxford Readers
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Della Riviera, Cesare [ filosof ermetic, platonician]
Le monde magique des héros (1605)/ Cesare Della Riviera; Introduction et notes de Julius Evola; Traduction de Pierre Pascal
Archè, 1977, Milano , (carte) 350p.
Topics (ro): ocultism; ezoterism; ermetism; magie naturala; piatra filosofala - alchimie
Topics (en): occultism; esotericism; hermetism; natural magic; philosopher's stone - Alchemy
Position: MT/A-3606 UDC: 133
Series: Bibliotheca Hermetica, Series Nova; IX: Corpus Italicum

6. Harmon, William [Ed.]; Plato; Aristotle; Horace; Tacitus; Longinus; Sturluson, Snorri; Sidny, Philip, Sir; Milton, John; Dryden, John; Pope, Alexander; Johnson, Samuel; Gray, Thomas; Wordsworth, William; Coleridge, S.T.; [...]
Classic Writings on Poetry/ Edited by William Harmon
Columbia University Press, 2003, New York , (carte) xiii, 538p., ISBN 0-231-12371-X
Topics (ro): poet - poezie - poem - literatura; poezie - scrieri clasice despre poezie - antologie; poezie - istorie si critica literara; poetici
Topics (en): poet - poetry - poem - literature; poetry - classical writing on poettry - anthology; poetry - literary history and criticism; poetics
Position: T.2-HAR UDC: 82.09
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Homer; Tyrtaeus; Solon; Theognis; Pindar; Herodotus; Aristophanes; Lysias; Demosthenes; Plato; Aristotle; Epicurus; Epictetus
Readings in Western Civilization. 1. The Greek Polis / Edited by Arthur W. H. Adkins and Peter White
The University of Chicago Press, 1986, Chicago and London , (carte) viii, 352 p., ISBN 0-226-06935-4 (pbk)
Topics (ro): istorie antica - Grecia - societatea greaca - republica - civilizatie - surse; istoria civilizatiei occidentale - surse; Europa - civilizatie - surse; istorie - Grecia antica - civilizatie - surse; istorie - politica - Republica greaca
Topics (en): ancient history - Greece - Greek society - Republic - civilization - sources; history of Western civilization - sources; Europe - civilization - sources; history - Ancient Greece - civilization - sources; history - politics - Greek Republic
Position: H.011-RWC (1) UDC: 930.18(38)
Series: University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Iancu, Carol; Platon, Alexandru-Florin [coord.]
Profesori si studenti evrei = Enseignants et étudiants juifs / Coordonatori: Carol Iancu si Alexandru-Florin Platon
Editura Universităţii Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iasi, 2012, Iasi , (carte) 474p., ISBN 978-973-703-817-3
Topics (ro): istorie - evrei - educatie - universitati - România - sec.19-20
Topics (en): history - Jews - education - universities - Romania - 19th and 20th c.
Position: Vh.812-IAN UDC: 378(498 Iasi):929
Series: Historica
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Laurence, Stephen; Margolis, Eric; Platon; Quine, W. V. O.; Wittgenstein, Ludwig; Putnam, Hilary; Peacock, Christopher; Lakoff, George; Fodor, Jerry; Millikan, Ruth Garrett; [...]
Concepts: Core Readings / Edited by Eric Margolis and Stephen Laurence
The MIT Press, 2000, Cambridge, MA - London , (carte) x, 652 p., ISBN 0-262-63193-8
Topics (ro): filosofia mentalului - stiinte cognitive; cognitie - teoria cunoasterii - informatie si reprezentare; cunoastere - epistemologie
Topics (en): philosophy of mind - cognitive sciences; cognition - theory of knowledge, the - information and representation; knowledge - epistemology
Position: Ad.0-MAR UDC: 121.4
Series: A Bradford Book
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Lorenz, Ulrich [Hg.]; Platon; Aristoteles; Descartes, René; Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm; Carus, Friedrich August; Hegel, G.W.F.; Husserl, Edmund; Snell, Bruno; Cassirer, Ernst; Pongratz, L.J.; Beckermann, A.; Schmitz, H.
Philosophische Psychologie: [Texte]/ Ulrich Lorenz (Hg.)
Verlag Karl Alber GmbH, 2003, Freiburg/ München , (carte) 252p., ISBN 3-495-48015-3
Topics (ro): psihologie filosofica - antologie; ratiune umana; filosofia spiritului; fenomenologie transcendentala; mitul statului; filosofie analitica - problema corp-suflet; subiectivitate - filosofie - autoreprezentare
Topics (en): philosophical psychology - anthology; human reason; philosophy of spirit; trancendental phenomenology; myth of state; analythical philosophy - body-soul problem; subjectivity - philosophy - selfrepresentation
Position: A.0-ALB (18) UDC: 14:159.9
Series: Alber-Texte Philosophie; Band 18/hg. von Karl-Heinz Lembeck
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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