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1. Sandler, Daniela
Counterpreservation: architectural decay in Berlin since 1989 / Daniela Sandler
Cornell University Press, 2016, Ithaca, New York , (carte) XV, 255p.: il., ISBN 978-1-5017-0317-1
Topics (ro): arhitectura - Germania - Berlin - sec. XX/XXI; cladiri - conservare - Berlin - sec.XX/XXI
Topics (en): architecture -Germany - Berlin - 20th/21st c.; buildings - preservation - Berlin - 20th/21st c.
Position: Ua.17/.18 - SAN UDC: 72(430)''19/20''(084)
Series: Signale: Modern German letters, cultures and thought
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC