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1. Schaaf, H.
Conspectus historiae philosophiae recentis/ auctore H. Schaff
Ex Typographia Pontificia Instituti Pii IX, 1908, Romae , (carte) 169p.
Topics (ro): istoria filosofiei - filosofia moderna; filosofia moderna - 1400-1600; filosofia moderna 1600-1750 - empirism si rationalism; filosofia moderna 1750-1800 - criticismul kantian; filosofia moderna - 1800-1900 - postkantianismul si noile sisteme
Topics (en): history of philosophy - modern philosophy; modern philosophy - 1400-1600; modern philosophy 1600-1750 - empiricism and rationalism; modern philosophy 1750-1800 - Kantian criticism; modern philosophy - 1800-1900 - post Kantianism and new systems
Position: MT/A-421 UDC: 1((09)