New Europe College

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1. Crasovschi, Axinia; Crivat, Anca; Ghitulescu, Constanta; Munteanu, Luminita; Palincas, Nona-Daniela; Pamfil, Laura; Rughinis, Cosima; Stanciu, Diana; Szabó, Levente; Tataru-Cazaban, Bogdan; Vasilescu, Mircea
New Europe College Yearbook 2001-2002: Russian Old Believers (Lipovans) in Romania: Cultural Values and Symbols / Axinia Crasovschi; Le merveilleux dans les encyclopédies latines médiévales / Anca Crivat; Hommes et femmes devant la justice: L'exemple de la Valachie au XVIIIe siècle / Constanta Ghitulescu; Marginaux et marginalité dans l'Empire Ottoman / Luminita Munteanu; On Classification in Archaeology / Nona-Daniela Palincas; Les sources grecques de l'ontologie de Constantin Noica / Laura Pamfil; Roma Communities in Development Projects / Cosima Rughinis; Coercive Authority and Popular Sovereignty in Marsiglio of Padua's Defensor Pacis / Diana Stanciu; The Making of the Nineteenth-Century Hungarian Historical Canon / Levente Szabó; Visions de la hiérarchie céleste au XIIIe siècle / Bogdan Tataru-Cazaban; Le discours anti-occidental dans la presse roumaine post-communiste / Mircea Vasilescu
New Europe College, 2005, Bucuresti , (periodic) 462 p., ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): stiinte umaniste si sociale - anuar; religie - lipoveni - istorie - România; istorie medievala; istorie sociala - sec. XVIII - Valahia; filosofie - Noica, Constantin; arheologie - clasificare; sociologie - comunitati de tigani
Topics (en): humanities and social sciences - yearbook; religion - lipovans - history - Romania; medieval history; social history - 18th c. - Wallachia, Romania; philosophy - Noica, Constantin; archaeology - classification; sociology - Roma communities
Position: anuar UDC: 009(058)
Series: NEC Publications Series: New Europe Yearbook

2. Stanciu, Diana
The Ninth-century Debate on Predestination and Its Theologico-Political Context/ Diana Stanciu
Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2005, Bucuresti , (carte) 182p., ISBN 973-575-990-X
Topics (ro): predestinare - context teologico-politic - sec.XIX; teologie dogmatica - predestinare; filosofie crestina - predestinare
Topics (en): predestination - theologico-political context - 19th c.; dogmatic theology - predestination; Christian philosophy - predestination
Position: B-STA (2) UDC: 234.9"18"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Stanciu, Diana
Shaftesbury's 'Characteristics' - A 'Socratic' Programme of the Eighteenth Century/ Diana Stanciu
Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2004, Bucuresti , (carte) 294p., ISBN 973-575-919-5
Topics (ro): filosofie - Anglia - sec. XVIII - Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of (1671-1713); Iluminism - Shaftesbury - platonism englez; discurs moral - toleranta - virtute - sec.XVIII - Anglia
Topics (en): philosophy - England - 18th c. - Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of (1671-1713); Enlightenment - Shaftesbury - English Platonism; moral discourse - tolerance - virtue - England - 18th c.
Position: B-STA (1) UDC: 14Shaftesbury
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC