Istoria Românilor, Vol. VII, tom II: De la Independenta la Marea Unire (1878-1918) / Coordonator: Acad. Gheorghe Platon; Autori: Ion Agrigoroaiei, Ion Bulei, Vasile Cristian, Gheorghe Iacob, Mihai Iacobescu, Anastasie Iordache, Liviu Maior, Sorin Mureseanu, Gheorghe Platon, Maria Platon, Gheorghe Zbuchea
Enciclopedica, 2003, Bucuresti
, (carte) xiv, 692 p. +40 pl., ISBN 973-45-0430-4, ISSN 973-45-0381-2
Topics (ro): istorie - România - sec. XIX; istorie - societate si economie - România, 1878-1918; viata politica - partide politice - România -1878-1914; politica externa - România - 1878-1914; primul razboi mondial; Marea Unire - 1918 Topics (en): history - Romania - 19th century; history - society and economy - Romania, 1878-1918; political life - political Parties - Romania - 1878-1914; foreign policy - Romania - 1878-1914; World War I; Great Union, the - 1918 | | Position: Vh.2-ACAD (7.2)
UDC: 949.8"1878/1918"
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