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1. Andrei, Petre [1891-1940]
Filosofia valorii/ Petre Andrei; Prefata de Nicolae Râmbu; [Cuvânt inainte: D. Gusti]
Polirom; Fundatia Academica "Petre Andrei", 1997, Iasi , (carte) 240p., ISBN 973-683-017-9
Topics (ro): valoare sociala - personalitate; valoare estetica - empatie; filosofia valorii; drept - valoare
Topics (en): social value - personality; aesthetical value - empathy; axiology; law - value
Position: Va.2-AND UDC: 1(498)
Series: Collegium
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Andrei, Petre [1891-1940]
Prelegeri de istorie a filosofiei de la Kant la Schopenhauer/ Petre Andrei; Cuvânt inainte de Stefan Afloroaei
Polirom; Fundatia Academica 'Petre Andrei', 1997, Iasi , (carte) 222p., ISBN 973-9248-95-0
Topics (ro): filosofie - istoria filosofiei - Germania - sec. XVIII-XIX; filosofie - istoria filosofiei - Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804; istoria filosofiei germane - Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831
Topics (en): philosophy - history of philosophy - Germany - 18th-19th c.; philosophy - history of philosophy - Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804; philosophy - history of German philosophy - Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831
Position: MT/A-879 UDC: 190
Series: Filosofie
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Benveniste, Émile [1902-1976]; Abaev, V.I.
Noms d'agent et noms d'action en Indo-Européen/ Émil Benveniste
Andrien-Maisonneuve, 1948, Paris , (copie) 174p.
Topics (ro): studii indoeuropene - lingvistica indoeuropeana - gramatica - nume de agent si nume de actiune; izoglose scito-europene
Topics (en): Indo-european studies - Indo-european linguistics - grammar - agent name and action name; Scytho-European Isoglosses
Position: DS/V-5 UDC: 811.1/.2

4. Braniste, Ene; Braniste, Ecaterina
Dictionar de cunostinte religioase/ Pr. Prof. dr. Ene Braniste, prof. Ecaterina Braniste; cuv. inainte: IPWS dr. Laurentiu Streza, Mitropolitul Ardealului; Prefata: Virgil Cândea
Editura Andreiana, 2010, Sibiu , (carte) 510p., ISBN 978-606-8106-21-2
Topics (ro): religie - dictionar; dictionar de religie
Topics (en): religion - dictionary; dictionary of religion
Position: Vg.0-BRA* UDC: 2(038)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Briciu, Alexandru
Mitropolitul Antonie Plamadeala, diplomat crestin: contributii la dezvoltarea dialogului teologic international/ Alexandru Briciu
Editura Andreiana; Editura Astra Museum, 2017, Sibiu , (carte) 543p., ISBN 978-606-989-001-1
Topics (ro): Antonie Plamadeala, 1926-2005 - teolog, Mitropolit al Ardealului - biografie; Biserica Ortodoxa - Romania - activitate diplomatica
Topics (en): Antonie Plamadeala, 1926-2005 - theologian, Metropolitan of Transylvania - biography; Orthodox Church - Romania - diplomacy
Position: Vg.2-BRI UDC: 281.9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Brosch, Moritz [ istoric german, 1829-1907]
Geschichte von England. Siebenter Band / von Moritz Brosch
Friedrich Andreas Perthes, 1892, Gotha , (carte) XI, 576p.
Topics (ro): istorie - Anglia - sec.XVI/XVII;
Topics (en): history - England - 16th/17thc.
Position: MT/B-2111 UDC: 941.0
Series: Geschichte der europäischen Staaten

7. Chifar, Nicolae; Abrudan, Ioan Ovidiu; Guran, Petre (coord.)
Epoca lui Constantin Brâncoveanu in context sud-est european: biserica, societate, geopolitica: Simpozion (2014-Sibiu)/ coordonare editoriala: Nicolae Chifar, Ioan Ovidiu Abrudan, Petre Guran
Editura Andreiana; Editura ASTRA Museum, 2014, Sibiu , (carte) 381p., ISBN 978-606-8602-27-1
Topics (ro): istorie -Provincii românesti - sec. XVII-XVIII; Constantin Brâncoveanu, 1654 – 1714 - actiuni politice - actiuni culturale; istorie culturala - Europa de sud-est - sec. XVII-XVIII
Topics (en): history - Romanian provinces - 17th and 18th c.; Constantin Brâncoveanu, 1654 – 1714 - political actions - cultural policies; cultural history - Sud-East Europe - 17th-18th c.
Position: Vh.40-CHI UDC: 94(498.1)''17'' Brancoveanu, C
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Cugny, Laurent
Electrique: Miles Davis 1968-1975/ Laurent Cugny
André Dimanche Éditeur, 1993, Marseille , (carte) 169p., ISBN 2-86916-056-9
Topics (ro): muzica americana - jazz - Davis, Miles, 1926-1991 - sec.XX; Davis, Miles - muzica de jazz - 1968-1975
Topics (en): American music - jazz - Davis, Miles, 1926-1991 - 20th c.; Davis, Miles - jazz music - 1968-1975
Position: VI/A-37 UDC: 78(73)"1968/1975"Davis, Miles
Series: Collection Birdland/ dirigée par Christian Tarting
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Daumier, Honoré, 1808-1879
Intellectuelles (Bas Bleus) et femmes socialistes: [Album]/ Honoré Daumier; Préface de Françoise Parturier; Catalogues et notices de Jacqueline Armingeat
Éditions André Sauret; Éditions Vilo, 1974, Paris , (carte) 138p.
Topics (ro): caricaturi -Daumier, Honoré - sec.XIX; femei - socialiste - intelectuale - caricaturi
Topics (en): caricatures and cartoons - Daumier, Honoré - 19th century; women - socialists - intellectuals - caricatures
Position: U.31-DAU UDC: 741.5Daumier, Honoré
Series: Collection Daumier

10. Esanu, Andrei; Esanu, Valentina
Pomelnicul Manastirii Voronet / editie ingrijita de Andrei si Valentina Esanu
[Biblioteca Ştiinţifică (Institut) Andrei Lupan?], 2021, Bucuresti , (carte) 195p.: il., tab.
Topics (ro): Manastirea Voronet - pomelnic - manuscript
Topics (en): Voronet monastery - diptychs - manuscript
Position: Vg.0-ESA/1 UDC: 091:291(498.3)Voronet

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