All different all equal: Europe versus Intolerance: Proceedings of the seminar/ Council of Europe; Catherine Lalumière, Secretary General of the Council of Europe [org.]
Council of Europe Press, 1995, Strasbourg
, (carte) , ISBN 92-871-2687-6
Topics (ro): integrare europeana; Uniunea Europeana - toleranta; Europa versus intoleranta; Europa - natiunile - criza progresului; insecuritate si identitate - imigratie si respingere; rasism; xenofobie; antisemitism Topics (en): European integration; European Union - tolerance; Europe versus intolerance; Europe - nations - crisis of progres; insecurity and identity - immigration and rejection; racism; xenophobia; anti-semitism | | Position: H.1741-LAL
UDC: 323(4)
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