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1. Demetrescu, Ruxandra; Cojocaru, Cristina
In lumea personajelor lui George Löwendal (1897-1964): pictura, grafica si proiecte scenografice : catalogul expozitiei / George Löwendal; [curatori : Ruxandra Demetrescu, Cristina Cojocaru ; coord. proiect Ariadna Danila-Löwendal ; trad. Andreea Nita ; organizatori : Muzeul National de Arta, Fundatia Löwendal ; fotogr. si prelucrare imagine : Bent Lange, Serioja Bocsok si George Radu ; consultant proiect Dorin Danila]
Editura U.N.A.R.T.E., 2018, Bucuresti , (carte) 191p., ISBN 978-606-720-098-0
Topics (ro): expozitie - Löwendal, baron George, 1897-1964 - Bucuresti - 2017-2018; pictura - Löwendal, baron George, 1897-1964 - România
Topics (en): exhibition - Löwendal, baron George, 1897-1964 - Bucuresti - 2017-2018; painting - Löwendal, baron George, 1897-1964 - Romania
Position: Vu.17-LOW UDC: clasificare 75(498)Löwendal, G.(092)(083.824)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Magureanu, Ioana
Simona Runcan: the laws of equilibrium / Ioana Magureanu (coordonator), Patricia Badulescu
Editura U.N.A.R.T.E., 2023, Bucuresti , (carte) 88p.: il., ISBN 978-606-720-179-6
Topics (ro): pictura - grafica - Runcan, Simona (1942-2007)
Topics (en): painting - graphics - Runcan, Simona (1942-2007)
Position: Vu.3-RUN-Mag/1 UDC: 75(498)''19''Runcan, Simona
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Popa, Delia
Back to the Future - Design romanesc la intersectie: un proiect comemorativ arhitect Ion Popa/ Delia Popa
Editura U.N.A.R.T.E., 2020, Bucuresti , (carte) 126p.: il., ISBN 978-606-720-137-6
Topics (ro): arte vizuale - design - Romania - Popa, Ion, 1944-1990; invatamant - design - Romania - Universitatea de Arte, Bucuresti; arte vizuale - design - expozitie - UNARTE - octombrie - noirembrie, 2020
Topics (en): visual arts - design - Romania - Popa, Ion, 1944-1990; education - design - Romania - University of Arts, Bucharest; visual arts - design - exhibition - UNARTE - October - November, 2020
Position: Vu.17/.18-POP UDC: 74(498)Popa, Ion''1944/1990''
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC