Psicologia y teoria del concimiento/ Wilhelm Dilthey; Traduccion, prologo y notas de Eugenio Imaz
Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1078, Mexico
, (carte) xx, 420p., ISBN 968-16-0034-7
Topics (ro): filosofie moderna - Dilthey, Wilhelm - Germania - sec.XIX - inceputul sec.XX; poetica - imaginatie poetica - psihologie si creatie poetica; experienta si gindire - realitatea lumii exterioare Topics (en): modern philosophy - Dilthey, Wilhelm - Germany - 19th c. - early 20th c.; poetic - poetical imagination - poetical psychology and creation; experience and thinking - the reality of the external world | | Position: MT/A-1399
UDC: 14*Dilthey, Wilhelm
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