New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 5 (total 5 t: a: ).

1. Carmichael Smyth, G., Major
A History of the Reigning Family of Lahore, with some account of the Jummoo Rajahs, the Seik Soldiers and their Sirdars/ edited by Major H. Carmichael Smyth, Third Bengal Light Cavalery
Sang-E-Meel Publications, 1996, Lahore , (carte) xxix, 279,xlixp., ISBN 969-35-0736-3
Topics (ro): istorie indiana - Lahore - familie domnitoare; istorie genealogica - India - Lahore; Sikh - Punjab; istorie - Punjab - sec.XIX
Topics (en): Indian history - Lahore - reigning family; genealogical history - India - Lahore; Sikh - Punjab; history - Punjab - 19th c.
Position: H.012a-CAR UDC: 94(54Lahore)
Series: Sang-E-Meel Paperbacks
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Goulding, H. R.
Old Lahore: Reminiscenses of a Resident/ by H. R. Goulding, I.S.O., V.D., late A. D. C. to the King-Emperior, with which is reproduced at Historical and Descreptive Account by T. H. Thorthon, B.C.S., for many years Secretary to the Punjab Government
Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2000, Lahore , (carte) 128p., ISBN 969-35-0439-9
Topics (ro): istorie - amintiri - vechiul Lahore; Lahore - istorie legendara - perioada mohamedana - perioada hindusa - perioada Moghal; domnia lui Akbar
Topics (en): history - reminiscenses - Old Lahore; Lahore - legendary history - Muhammadan period - Hindu period - Moghal period; reign of Akbar
Position: H.012a-LAH-Gou UDC: 94(54Lahore)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Lawrence, George, Sir
Reminiscenses of Forty-three Years in India; Including the Cabul Disasters Captivities in Affganistan and the Punjaub, and a Narrative of the Mutinies in Rajputana/ Sir George Lawrence; Edited by W. Edwards
Sang-e-Meel Publications, 1999, Lahore , (carte) xiii, 316p.
Topics (ro): istorie indiana - amintiri - Lawrence, George - India; literatura engleza - memorii - Sir George Lawrence - sec.XIX
Topics (en): Indian History - reminiscenses - Lawrence, George - India; English literature - memoirs - Sir George Lawrence - 19th c.
Position: H.012a-Law UDC: 94(540)

4. Shakespear, John
John Shakespear's Dictionary Urdu-English and Urdu-English/ John Shakespear
Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2002, Lahore , (dictionar) 2209p., ISBN 969-35-1341-X
Topics (ro): limba engleza - dictionar englez-urdu; limba urdu - dictionar urdu-englez
Topics (en): English language - English-Urdu dictionary; Urdu language - Urdu-English dictionary
Position: F.1uc-SHA UDC: (308)=111=214.21urdu
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Wilson, H. H.
A Descriptive Account of the Antiquities and Coins of Afganistan, with a Memoir on the Buildings Called Topes, by C. Masson, Esq./ H. H. Wilson
Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2002, Lahore , (carte) xvi, 474p., ISBN 969-35-1323-1
Topics (ro): arheologie - numismatica - Afganistan; antichitati si monede - Afganistan; descoperiri arheologice - monumente - topes
Topics (en): archaeology - numismatics - Afganistan; antiquities and coins - Afganistan; archaeological descoveries - monuments - topes
Position: H.10-WIL UDC: 902(581)
Series: Ariana Antiqua
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC