New Europe College

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1. *
Ortodoxia în marturisiri contemporane: Pr. Ilie Cleopa, Pr. Arsenie Papacios, Pr. Teofil Pârâian, Pr. Dumitru Gh. Popescu, Pr. Constantin Galeriu, Pr. Ioasaf Popa, Pr. Ioachim Pârvulescu, Alexandru Paleologu, Horia-Roman Patapievici, Dan Ciachir, Horia Bernea, Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici, Teodor Baconsky/ interviuri realizate de Leon Magdan
Editura Sophia, 1998, Bucuresti , (carte) 144p., ISBN 973-98327-4-1
Topics (ro): crestinism - ortodoxie; spiritualitate crestina - sec.XX
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - orthodoxy; Christian spirituality - 20th c.
Position: AS/G-508 UDC: 281.9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Benga, Daniel, Pr.
Marii reformatori luterani si Biserica Ortodoxa: Contributii la tipologia relatiilor luterano-ortodoxe din secolul al XVI-lea / Pr. Dr. Daniel Benga; Tiparita cu binecuvântarea Prea Sfintitului Parinte Galaction, Episcopul Alexandriei si Teleormanului
Sophia, 2003, Bucuresti , (carte) 504 p., ISBN 973-8207-57-6
Topics (ro): religie crestina - reforma - luteranism - Biserica ortodoxa - relatii - sec. XVI; istoria bisericii crestine - sec. XVI; ortodoxie si luteranism; crestinism - biserica reformata - biserica luterana - sec. XVI
Topics (en): Christian religion - Reform - Lutheranism - Orthodox Church, the - relations - 16th century; history of Christian Church - 16th century; orthodoxy and Lutheranism; Christianity / Christianism - Reformed Church, the - Lutheran Church, the - 16th century, t
Position: Vg.2-BEN UDC: 284.1:28
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Gheorghita, Nicolae
Chinonicul duminical in perioada post-bizantina (1453-1821): liturgica si muzica/ Nicolae Gheorghita
Editura Sophia, 2009, Bucuresti , (carte) 344p., ISBN 978-973-136-123-9
Topics (ro): muzica liturgica - muzica post-bizantina - 1453-1821
Topics (en): liturgyc music - post-Byzantine music - 1453-1821
Position: B-GHEO (3) UDC: 783.2:281.911
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Gheorghita, Nicolae
Byzantine Chant between Constantinopole and the Danubian Principalities: Studies in Byzantine Musicology/ Nicolae Gheorghita
Editura Sophia, 2010, Bucuresti , (carte) viii, 256p., ISBN 978-973-136-227-4
Topics (ro): muzicologie - muzica bizantina - Principatele Române - perioada fanariota - 1711-1821
Topics (en): musicology - Byzantine chant - Romanian Principalities - Phanariot period - 1711-1821
Position: B-GHEO (6) UDC: 783(495)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC