New Europe College

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1. Assunto, Rosario [ filosof italian, 1915-1994]
Die Theorie des Schönen im Mittelalter/ Rosario Assunto
Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, 1973, Köln , (carte) 207, [4]p.
Topics (ro): estetica - istoria esteticii; teoria frumosului - Evul Mediu; estetica medievala; frumosul in arta - doctrina medievala; idei estetice - istorie - evul mediu
Topics (en): aesthetics - aesthetics history; beautiful, theory of - the Middle Ages; Medieval aesthetics; beautiful in arts - medieval doctrine; aesthetic ideas - History - Middle Ages
Position: MT/A-3250 UDC: 118.85(09); 7.01(09)
Series: DuMont Dokumente: Reihe I: Kunstgeschichte: Deutung-Dokumente

2. Atkinson, Terry; Bainbridge, David; Baldwin, Michael; Hurrell, Harold; Kosuth, Joseph
Art & Language: Texte zum Phänomen Kunst und Sprache / Terry Atkinson, David Bainbridge, Michael Baldwin, Harold Hurrell, Joseph Kosuth; Herausgegeben von Paul Maenz und Gerd de Vries
Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, 1972, Köln , (carte) 348 p., ISBN 3-7701-0657-1
Topics (ro): arta si filosofie; teoria artei - limbaj - gandire - imagine; arta conceptuala - limbaj - imagine
Topics (en): art and philosophy; art theory - language - thinking - image; conceptual art - language - image
Position: U.017-ATK UDC: 7.01
Series: DuMont-international
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Grassi, Ernesto [filosof italian, 1902-1991]
Die Theorie des Schönen in der Antike/ Ernesto Grassi
verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, 1962, Köln , (carte) 287, [5]p.
Topics (ro): estetica - istoria esteticii - Antichitatea; teoria frumosului - filosofia antica; frumosul si arta; frumosul - semnificatia ontologica; Xenofon; Platon; Aristotel: Seneca
Topics (en): aesthetics - aesthetics history - Antiquity; theory of beautiful - the ancient philosophy; beauty and art; beautiful - ontological significance; Xenophon; Plato; Aristotle: Seneca
Position: MT/A-3249 UDC: 118.85(09); 7.01(09)
Series: DuMont Dokumenta: reihe I: Kunstgeschichte: Deutung-Dokumente