New Europe College

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1. *
Santa Messa della II Domenica di Avvento/ preseduta dal Santo Padre con la partecipazione del Patriarca Ecumenico Dimitrios I, Basilica Vaticana 6 dicembre 1987
Typis polyglottis Vaticanis, 1987, Vatican , (carte) 57p.
Topics (ro): liturghie - Advent (duminica a doua) - Vatican; teologie liturgica
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-138a UDC: 264-041.1

2. Anonim german, calugar la abatia bavareza Tegernsee [ cca. 1030]
Ruodlieb: Der älteste Roman des Mittelalters, nebst Epigrammen/ mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Glossar herausgegeben von Friedrich Seiler
Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1882, Halle ( Saale) , (carte) 330p.
Topics (ro): literatura latina medievala - roman medieval - sec.XI - text latin - comentariu german; poet german medieval - roman fragmentar in versuri latine - aventuri cavaleresti - moravuri feudale
Topics (en): medieval Latin literature - medieval novel - 11th c. - Latin text - German commentary; medieval German poet - fragmentary romance in Latin verses - Knightly adventures - feudal manners
Position: DS/U-138 UDC: 821.124-31"10"

3. Anonim german, calugar la abatia bavareza Tegernsee [ cca. 1030]
Ruodlieb: Mittellateinisch und Deutsch/ Übertragung, kommentar und Nachwort von Fritz Peter Knapp
Philipp Reclam jun., 1977, Stuttgart , (carte) 256p., ISBN 3-15-009846-7
Topics (ro): literatura latina medievala - roman medieval - sec.XI - text latin si traducere germana - comentariu german; poet german medieval - roman fragmentar in versuri latine - aventuri cavaleresti - moravuri feudale
Topics (en): medieval Latin literature - medieval novel - 11th c. - Latin text and German version - German commentary; medieval German poet - fragmentary romance in Latin verses - Knightly adventures - feudal manners
Position: DS/E-20 UDC: 821.124-31(430)"10"=112.2
Series: Universal-Bibliothek: Lateinische Literatur des Mittelalters und des Humanismus: Zweisprachig
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Anonim german, calugar la abatia bavareza Tegernsee [ cca. 1030]
Ruodlieb: The Earliest Courtly Novel (after 1050)/ Introduction, text, translation, commentary and textual notes by Edwin H. Zeydel
The University of North Carolina Press, 1959, Chapel Hill, NC , (carte) [12], 165p.
Topics (ro): literatura latina medievala - roman medieval - sec.XI - text latin - versiune engleza; comentariu in l. engleza; poet german medieval - roman fragmentar in versuri latine - aventuri cavaleresti - moravuri feudale
Topics (en): medieval Latin literature - medieval novel - 11th c. - Latin text - English version; English commentary; medieval German poet - fragmentary romance in Latin verses - Knightly adventures - feudal manners
Position: DS/E-25 UDC: 821.124-31"10"
Series: UNC Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures; Nr.23

5. Barth, Karl [ teolog protestant elvetian, 1886-1968]
Avent / Karl Barth; traduction de Pierre Maury et Edmond Jeanneret
Roulet, 1948, Genève , (carte) 105p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - protestantism; Advent
Topics (en): Christianity - Protestantism; Advent
Position: MT/B-1669 UDC: 284.1
Series: Collection du Centre Protestant d'Études

6. Deschamps, Hubert [ 1900 - 1979]
Pirates et flibustiers / par Hubert Deschamps
Presses universitaires de France, 1962, Paris , (carte) 125p.
Topics (ro): istorie - pirati - aventurieri - .../sec.XX
Topics (en): history - pirates - adventurers - .../20thc.
Position: MT/B-2561
Series: Que sais-je? Le point des connaissances actuelles; 554

7. Jean-Nesmy, Claude
Spiritualité de Noël/ Dom Claude Jean-Nesmy
Desclée de Brouwer, 1960, Paris , (carte) 337p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - Vechiul Testament - Noul Testament - Mesia - Nasterea; Advent; Craciunul - Pastele; parusia; mesianism; Craciun - Epifanie
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - Old Testament, the - New Testament, the - Messiah - birth, the; Advent; Christmas - Easter; second coming of Christ/ parousie; Messianism; Christmas - Epiphany
Position: AS/G-52 UDC: 22
Series: Cahiers de la Pierre-qui-Vire; 15

8. Lefebve, Maurice-Jean
L'image fascinante et le surréel/ Maurice-Jean Lefebve
Plon, 1965, Paris , (carte) 287p.
Topics (ro): temporalitate - imaginatie; vizibilul - ascunsul; teoria imaginii - fascinatie - suprarealism; visul - imaginea onirica; imaginea viitorului - aventura
Topics (en): temporality - imagination; visible - hidden; theory of image - fascination - Surrealism; dream - onirical image; image of the future - adventure
Position: AS/J-25 UDC: 7.037suprarealism

9. Milan, Luys; Valderrabano, Enriquez de; Mudarra, Alonso; Sanz, Gaspar; Stefani, Giovanni
Love and Adventure Songs / Luys Milan, Enriquez de Valderrabano, Alonso Mudarra, Gaspar Sanz, Giovanni Stefani
Dynamic, 1990, Italia , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): cântece de dragoste și de aventură, muzică vocală, muzică de secol XVI-XVII
Topics (en): love and adventure songs, vocal music, XVIth-XVIIth century music
Position: VI/M-4860 UDC: 784.3

10. Rougemont, Denis de
L'Aventure occidentale de l'homme / Denis de Rougemont
Éditions Albin Michel, 1957, Paris , (carte) 278 p.
Topics (ro): filosofia culturii si civilizatiei europene - epoca contemporana; cautarea occidentala - geneza sociologica a persoanei; revolutie; natiune; experienta timpului istoric; experienta spatiului; aventura tehnica; explorarea materiei - bomba atomica; progres
Topics (en): philosophy of European culture and civilization - contemporary age; occidental seeking - sociological genesis of the person; Revolution; nation; experience of historical time; experience of space; technical adventure; exploitation of matter - atomic bomb;
Position: AS/R-265 UDC: 130.2:6219

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