New Europe College

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1. *
Përpjekja = Endeavour: Writing from Albania's Critical Quarterly/ edited by Fatos T. Lubonja and John Hodgson; Translated by John Hodgson
Botime Përpjekja, 1997, Tirana , (periodic)
Topics (ro): Albania - istorie - politica - cultura
Topics (en): Albania - history - politics - culture
Position: periodic UDC: 32(496.5)

2. Académie des Sciences de la Republique Populaire Socialiste d'Albanie
Problemes de la formation du peuple albains, de sa langue et de sa culture (Choix de docuemnts)/
Éditions "* Nentori", 1985, Tirana , (carte) 366p.
Topics (ro): limba albaneza - lingvistica istorica; istoria poporului albanez; cultura albaneza
Topics (en): Albanian language - historical linguistics; history of Albanian folk; Albanian culture
Position: DS/H-116 UDC: 930.85(496.5); 811.18.09

3. Academia Romana. Institutul de Lingvistica "Iorgu Iordan - Al. Rosetti"; Bonardo, Giovanni Maria; Botulescu de Malaiesti, Vlad
Scrieri, I: Viata lui Scanderbeg/ tradusa din italiana de Vlad Botulescu de Malaesti in 1763; editie critica, introducere, studiu filologic si lingvistic, glosar si indice de Emanuela Timotin si Ovidiu Olar
Univers Enciclopedic Gold, 2013, Bucuresti , (carte) 284p., ISBN 978-606-8358-76-5
Topics (ro): traducere in limba româna - Botulescu de Malaiesti, Vlad - sec.XVIII; istorie - Albania - Gjergj Kastrioti/ Gheorghe Castriotul/ Scanderbeg/ Scanderbeiu, 1405-1468; biografie - Gjergj Kastrioti/ Gheorghe Castriotul/ Scanderbeg/ Scanderbeiu, 1405-1468; bi
Topics (en): Romanian translation - Botulescu of Malaiesti, Vlad - 18th c.; history - Albania - Gjergj Kastrioti/ Gheorghe Castriotul/ Scanderbeg/ Scanderbeiu, 1405-1468; biography - Gjergj Kastrioti/ Gheorghe Castriotul/ Scanderbeg/ Scanderbeiu, 1405-1468; biography
Position: Vt.4-BOT UDC: 929Scanderbeg; 94(496.5)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S.
Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S. Jahrbuch/ Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S.; Konzepyion und Redaktion: Susanne Landwehr
Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S., 2002-2005;2008-2010, Hamburg , (periodic) cca 150 p.
Topics (ro): premiul Herder, 40 de ani; arhitectura; Albania
Topics (en): Herder-Prize, 40 years; architecture; Albania
Position: anuar UDC: 05; 72

5. Austin, Robert C.
Royal Fraud: the story of Albania's First and Last King / Robert C. Austin
Central European University Press, 2024, Budapest, Vienna, New York , (carte) 150p., ISBN 978-963-386-710-5
Topics (ro): Albania - Zog I, Regele albanezilor, 1895-1961; istorie - Albania - sec.XX
Topics (en): Albania - Zog I, Kig of Albanians, 1895-1961; history - Albania - 20th c.
Position: H.011l-AUS UDC: 94(496.5)''19''
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Bartl, Peter
Der Westbalkan zwischen spanischer Monarchie und osmanischem Reich: Zur Türkenkriegsproblematik an der Wende vom 16. zum 17. Jahrhundert/ Peter Bartl
Albanien-Institut München In Kommission bei Otto Harrassowitz, 1974, München, Wiesbaden , (carte) 258p., ISBN 3-44701-553-5
Topics (ro): istorie balcanica - Albania - sec.XVI-XVII; Balcani - razboaie turcesti - monarhia spaniola - Imperiul Otoman
Topics (en): Balkanic history - Albania - 16th-17th c.; Balkans - Turkish wars - Spanish monarchy - Ottoman Empire
Position: H.15/.16-BAR UDC: 94(497)"15/16"
Series: Albanische Forschungen; 14
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Brâncus, Grigore
Concordante lingvistice româno-albaneze/ Grigore Brâncus
Vavila Edinf srl., 1999, Bucuresti , (carte) 262p., ISBN 973-8155-06-1
Topics (ro): lingvistica comparata - concordante lingvistice - limba româna - limba albaneza
Topics (en): comparative linguistics - linguistic concordances - Romanian - Albanian
Position: DS/H-108 UDC: 811.135.1:811.18(09)
Series: Bibliotheca Thracologica/ Institutul Român de Tracologie; XXX
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. CEU History Department; Toth, Istvan György; Kontler, Laszlo; Gerö, Andras; Zimmermann, Susan; Hanak, Peter; Sarmany-Parsons, Ilona; Karady, Victor; Grigorjev, Aleksey N.; Petö, Andrea; Miller, Alexey
Yearbook 1994-1995: "Chimes and Tricks" (The Concept of Time in the Minds of Peasants and the Lower Gentry Class in Hungary in the 17th and 18th Centuries)/ Istvan György Toth; Polishing Liberalism, Reflections on Matthew Arnold and on Cultural Policies Applicable to a Gründerzeit/ Laszlo Kontler; Ferenc Deak and Political Ethics/ Andras Gerö; Making a Living from Disgrace. The Politics of Prostitution, Female Poverty and Urban. Gender Codes in Budapest and Vienna, 1860-1920/ Susan Zimmermann; Why fin de siècle?/ Peter Hanak; Jewish Art Patronage in Budapest an the Turn of the Century/ Ilona Sarmany-Parsons; Nationalism and Theorists/ Alexey Miller; [...]
Central European University Press, 1995, Budapest , (carte) 223p., ISSN 1218-3679
Topics (ro): etica politica; prostitutie - gender studies - Ungaria - Austria - sec.XIX-XX; liberalism; Balcani - Albania - 1942 - istorie; studii avansate - istorie - Ungaria; fin de siècle; patronajul artei - evrei - Budapesta; nationalism - terorism
Topics (en): political ethics; prostitution - gender studies - Hungary - Austria - 19th-20th centuries; liberalism; Balkans - Albania - 1942 - history; advanced studies - history - Hungary; fin de siècle; art patronage - Jews, the - Budapest; nationalism - terrorism
Position: anuar UDC: 94(058)

9. Crampton, R. J.
Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century and After / R. J. Crampton
Routledge, 1997, London - New York , (carte) xx, 526 p., ISBN 0-415-16423-0
Topics (ro): Europa de Est - istorie - sec. XX; Polonia - istorie - sec. XX; Cehoslovacia - istorie - sec. XX; Tarile Baltice - istorie - sec. XX; România - istorie - sec. XX; Bulgaria; Iugoslavia, Albania
Topics (en): East Europe - history - 20th century, the; Poland - history - 20th century; Czech Rep. - history - 20th century, the; Baltic countries - history - 20th century; Romania - history - 20th century; Bulgaria; Yugoslavia, Albania
Position: H.172-CRA UDC: 941(1-924.5)"19"
Series: European history / Politics
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Dalakoglou, Dimitris
The Road: An Ethnography of (Im)mobility, Space, and Cross-border Infrastructures in the Balkans/ Dimitris Dalakoglou
Manchester University Press, 2017, Manchester , (carte) xiv, 203p., ISBN 978-1-5261-0934-7
Topics (ro): antropologie - mobilitate - spatiu; antropologie - infrastructura - Grecia - Albania
Topics (en): anthropology - mobility - space; anthropology - infrastructure - Albania - Greece
Position: P-DAL UDC: 300
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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