New Europe College

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1. Bömer, Franz [1911-2004]
Untersuchungen über die Religion der Sklaven in Griechenland und Rom: Vierter Teil: Epilegomena/ von Franz Bömer
Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, 1963, Mainz; Wiesbaden , (album) pp.861-1146
Topics (ro): religia sclavilor - Grecia - Antichitate; istoria religiilor - lumea greco-romana - Artemis - Isis - Cibele - vrajitorie si magie
Topics (en): religion of the slaves - Greece - Antiquity; history of religions - Greco-Roman world - Artemis - Isis - Kybele - witchcraft and magic
Position: DS/T-72 UDC: 291(38)
Series: Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlich

2. Cole, Susan Guettel
Landscapes, Gender, and Ritual Space: The Ancient Greek Experience / Susan Guettel Cole
University of California Press, 2004, Berkeley - Los Angeles - London , (carte) xviii, 292 p., ISBN 0-520-23544-4 (hbk)
Topics (ro): Grecia antica - religie - ritualuri; femei - viata religioasa - Grecia - istorie; spatiu sacru - Grecia - istorie ; mitologie - Artemis, zeita greaca - cult
Topics (en): ancient Greece - religion - rituals; women - religious life - Greece - history; sacred space - Greece - history; mythology - Artemis, Greek deity - cult
Position: G.1h1-COL UDC: 292.3
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Vernant, Jean-Pierre [1914-2007]
Figures, idoles, masques/ Jean-Pierre Vernant
Julliard, 1990, Paris , (carte) 252 p., ISBN 2-260-00711-2
Topics (ro): zei - figuri - mitologia greaca; istoria religiilor - religie greaca; moarte - mitologia greaca; mitologie greaca - idoli - masti; Dionysos; Artemis; Gorgona - masca; simboluri plastice - mitologia greaca; colosul; oglinda - Narcis
Topics (en): gods - figures - Greek mythology; history of religions - Greek religion; death - Greek mythology; Greek mythology - idols - masks; Dionysus; Artemid, goddess in Greek religion; Gorgon - mask; plastic symbols - Greek mythology; colossus, the; mirror - Narc
Position: AS/H-76 UDC: 292.11
Series: Conférences essais et leçons du Collège du France
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Vernant, Jean-Pierre [1914-2007]
La Mort dans les yeux: Figures de l'Autre en Grèce ancienne: Artemis, Gorgô / Jean-Pierre Vernant
Hachette Littératures, 1998, Paris , (carte) 120 p., ISBN 2-01-279069-0
Topics (ro): mitologie - Grecia antica; mitologie - moarte; mitologie greaca - divinitati - Artemis - Gorgô; mitologie greaca - celalalt; antropologie religioasa - celalalt
Topics (en): mythology - Ancient Greece; mythology - death; Greek mythology - divinities - Artemid, goddess in Greek religion - Gorgo; Greek mythology - the other; religious anthropology - the other
Position: G.1h1-VER UDC: 291.1(38)
Series: Collection Pluriel: Anthropologie
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC