New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 7 (total 7 t: a: ).

1. Darmesteter, James; Mills, L. H. [Eds.]
The Zend-Avesta: in 3 vols., Part I: The Vendidad, Part II: The Sirozahs, Yasts and Nyayis, Part III: The Yasna, Visparad, Afrinagan, Gahs and Miscellaneous Fragments/ translated by James Darmesteter and L. H. Mills
Motilal Banarsidass, 1987-1992, Delhi, Varanasi, Patna , (copie) fascicule legate
Topics (ro): studii indoeuropene - limbi si religii indo-iraniene - Avesta - persana veche; literatura iraniana antica - versuri sacre - Avesta - traducere in l. engleza
Topics (en): Indo-European studies - Indo-Iranian languages and religions - Avesta - old Persian; ancient Iranian literature - sacred verses - Avesta - English version
Position: DS/V-112 UDC: 821.411.21=111:295
Series: Sacred Books of the East Series in 50 vols.; 4

2. Dutt, Chinmay
Selections from Avesta and Old Persian: Humato = Good thoughts; Huxto = Good words; Hvarsto = Good deeds: texts, Grammatical Notes and Indexes by Chinmay Dutt
The World Press Private Ltd, 1973, Calcutta , (carte) xxxiii, 251p.
Topics (ro): literatura iraniana antica - versuri sacre - Avesta si pesana veche
Topics (en): ancient Iranian literature - sacred verses - Avesta and Old Persian
Position: DS/O-12 UDC: 821

3. Kellens, Jean
De la naissance des montagnes à la fin du temps: le Yast 19e: Cours/ M. Jean Kellens, professeur
Collège de France, 1999, Paris , (extras) pp.737-765
Topics (ro): studii indoeuropene - limbi si religii indo-iraniene - Avesta - persana veche
Topics (en): Indo-European studies - Indo-Iranian languages and religions - Avesta - old Persian
Position: DS/H-34 UDC: 821.411.21:295

4. Kellens, Jean
Promenade dans les Yasts à la lumière de traveaux récents: Cours/ de M. Jean Kellens, professeur
Collège de France, 2000, Paris , (extras) pp.685-705
Topics (ro): studii indoeuropene - limbi si religii indo-iraniene - Avesta - persana veche
Topics (en): Indo-European studies - Indo-Iranian languages and religions - Avesta - old Persian
Position: DS/H-35 UDC: 821.411.21:295

5. Reichelt, Hans
Avesta Reader: Texts, Notes, Glossary and Index/ by Hans Reichelt
K. J. Trübner, 1911, Starssburg , (copie) xiii, 304 p.
Topics (ro): studii indoeuropene - limbi si religii indo-iraniene - Avesta - persana veche; literatura iraniana antica - versuri sacre - Avesta
Topics (en): Indo-European studies - Indo-Iranian languages and religions - Avesta - old Persian; ancient Iranian literature - sacred verses - Avesta
Position: DS/V-123 UDC: 821.411.21:295

6. Sokolov, S. N.
The Avestan Language/ S. N. Sokolov
"Nauka" Publishing House, Central Departament of Oriental Literature, 1967, Moscow , (carte) 120p.
Topics (ro): literatura iraniana antica - Avesta - limba - studii lingvistice
Topics (en): ancient Iranian literature - Avesta - language - linguistics studies
Position: DS/H-39 UDC: 821
Series: Languages of Asia and Africa

7. Terapiano, Georges
La Perse secrète: Aux sources du mazdéisme/ Georges Terapiano
Le Courrier du Livre, 1978, Paris , (carte) 192p., ISBN 2-7029-0070-4
Topics (ro): cultul soarelui; omul celest; binele - raul; Ormuzd - Ahriman; focul sacru; Zoroastru; mazdeism; purificare rituala; istoria religiilor - religii persane; Avesta; Eul superior; fatalism oriental; cicluri istorice - cicluri cosmice; escatologie
Topics (en): worship of the Sun / culte of the Sun; celestial man; good, the - evil, the; Ormuzd - Ahriman; sacred fire; Zoroaster; mazdeism; ritual purification; history of religions - Persian religions; Avesta, a collection of sacred Zoroastrian writings; superior e
Position: AS/H-73 UDC: 295
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC