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1. *
Muzica: Revista trimestriala, serie noua/ editata de Uniunea Compozitorilor si muzicologilor din România; red. sef: Octavian Lazar Cosma
Uniunea Compozitorilor si Muzicologilor din România, 1990-1996, Bucuresti , (periodic) cca 160 p.
Topics (ro): muzicologie; muzica; teoria muzicii; bizantinologie; muzica româneasca; festivaluri muzicale
Topics (en): musicology; music; theory of music; byzantinology; Romanian music; musical festivals
Position: periodic UDC: 78(051)

2. *
Broderies de tradition byzantine en Roumanie du XVe au XVIIe siècle: autour de l'Étendard d'Étienne le Grand: [exposition: 17 avril - 19 juillet 2019] / [Jannic Durand, Dorota Giovannoni, Emanuela Cernea, Iuliana Damian]
--, , (carte) 88p.: il., ISBN 978-2-902302-02-4
Topics (ro): arta medivala - broderii bizantine - expozitie; arta romaneasca - broderie - sec. XV-XVII; expozitie - catalog - Muzeul Luvru - 17 aprilie-19 iulie 2019
Topics (en): medieval art - Byzantine embroideries - exhibition; Romanian art - embroideries - 15th-17th c.; exhibition - catalogue - Louvre - 17 April-19 July 2029
Position: Vu.3-BRO UDC: 746.3:7.033.2(498)14/16(083.824)
Series: Louvre éditions
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
The Restoration of the Probota Monastery: with 843 illustrations and 19 maps / publication coordinators: Alfeo Tonellotto and Ignazio Valente; general editor: Maarit Elo; English translation and editing: David Dean; Romanian translation: Coralia Costas; text revision: John Allen; ...
UNESCO, 2001, Paris , (carte) 410 p.+ 19 pl.
Topics (ro): arta religioasa - sec. XVI - România; iconografie crestina - pictura murala - Probota, arta bizantina - Moldova - sec. XVI; restaurare - manastirea Probota (sec. XVI, fondator: Petru Rares) - jud. Suceava (România); arhitectura - sec. XVI; pictura relig
Topics (en): religious art - 16th century, the - Romania; Christian iconography - mural painting - Probota, Byzantine art - Moldova, Moldavia - 16th century; restoration - Probota Monastery (16th century, founder: Petru Rares) - Suceava county, Romania; architecture -
Position: Vu.4-PROB UDC: 7.033.2:22(498)"15"

4. *
Fischer Weltgeschichte, Bd.13: Byzanz / hrsg. von Franz Georg Maier
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1995, Frankfurt am Main , (carte) 448p., ISBN 3-596-60013-8
Topics (ro): istorie universala - Bizant; Imperiul Bizantin - istorie
Topics (en): world history ( universal history) - Byzantium; Byzantine Empire - history
Position: H.01-FIS (13) UDC: 930.9(084)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor: Byzantine and Near Eastern History, AD 284-813 / translated with Introduction and Commentary by Cyril Mango and Roger Scott with the assistance of Geoffrey Greatrex
Clarendon Press, 1997, Oxford , (carte) C, 744 p., ISBN 0-19-822568-7
Topics (ro): Imperiul Bizantin - istorie - dinastia Isauriana, 717-811
Topics (en): Byzantine Empire - history - Isaurian dynasty, 717-811
Position: H.14-THE UDC: 949.502
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. *
Matines de Pâques: Traduction française de l'office de rite byzantin
Centre d'Études "Istina", 1929, Paris , (carte) 32p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - teologie liturgica - liturghie pascala; Pasti - liturghie pascala bizantina; rugaciuni (texte)
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - liturgical theology - Easter Liturgy; Easter - Byzantine Easter liturgy; prayers (texts)
Position: AS/G-472; AS/G-472bis UDC: 264
Series: Éditions Liturgiques Istina

7. *
Petit office pour l'Union des Églises Chrétiennes (inspiré de la liturgie byzantine)
s.n., 1951, Beyrouth , (carte) 16p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - Biserica - Uniunea Bisericilor; teologie liturgica - liturghia bizantina - uniunea crestina
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - Church, the - Union of the churches; liturgical theology - Byzantine liturgy - Christian union
Position: AS/G-473 UDC: 264
Series: Collection Les Amis de L'Union

8. *
Rediscovering Eastern Christendom: Essays in memory of Dom Bede Winslow/ edited by A.H. Armstrong and E.J.B. Fry
Darton Longman & Todd, 1963, London , (carte) xvi, 166 p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - Biserica ortodoxa Orientala; crestinism oriental; ortodoxism - istorie; concilii ecumenice; Bizant; Biserica Ortodoxa Rusa; ortodoxism - catolicism - anglicanism - Islam
Topics (en): Christianism - East Orthodox Church; Eastern Christianism; orthodoxy - history; ecumenical councils; Byzantium; Russian Orthodox Church, the; orthodoxy - Catholicisme - Anglicanism - Islam
Position: AS/G-506 UDC: 281

9. *
La prière des Églises de Rite Byzantin, Tome I: L'Office Divin, la Liturgie, les Sacrements/ par le R.P.E. Mercenier du Monastère de Chevetogne et M. le chanoine François Paris; Préface de Son Éminence le Card. E. Tisserant
Monastère de Chevetogne, 1937, Chevetogne , (carte) xl, 471p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - ortodoxie; teologie liturgica - liturghia bizantina; sacramente; rugaciune - rit bizantin; Biserica ortodoxa - teologie liturgica
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - orthodoxy; liturgical theology - Byzantine liturgy; sacraments; prayer - Byzantine rite; Orthodox Church, the - liturgical theology
Position: AS/G-558 UDC: 281.9

10. *
A Catalogue of Icons reproduced from Byzantine and Russian originals and presented at The New Man Exhibition of the XXXVIII International Eucharistic Congress, Bombay - India, Nov.22nd-Dec. 8th. 1964/ Introduced by Maximos IV, Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, of Alexandria and of Jerusalem
s.n., 1964, Bombay , (carte) [34]p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - iconologie bizantina; iconografie crestina; arta crestina - pictura crestina - icoana - expozitie; expozitie - Bombay - 1964 - icoane bizantine
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - Byzantine iconology; Christian iconography; Christian art - Christian painting - icon - exhibition; exhibition - Bombay - 1964 - Byzantine icons
Position: AS/G-616 UDC: 246.5:75.046.3

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