New Europe College

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1. Clatterbaugh, Kenneth
The Causation Debate in Modern Philosophy, 1637-1739 / Kenneth Clatterbaugh
Routledge, 1999, New York - London , (carte) x, 240 p., ISBN 0-415-91477-9 (pbk)
Topics (ro): filosofie moderna - cauzalitate - metafizica si epistemologie; istoria filosofiei - cauzalitate - 1637-1739; filosofie - mecanism clasic - disputa cauzalitatii - Hobbes si Gassendi; filosofie si fizica - cauzalitate, disputa - Descartes - Le Grand - Maleb
Topics (en): modern philosophy - causation - metaphysics and epistemology; history of philosophy - causation - 1637-1739; philosophy - classical mechanism - causation debate - Hobbes and Gassendi; philosophy and physics - causation debate - Descartes - Le Grand - Mal
Position: A.161-CLA UDC: 122(100)"16/17"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Feuerbach, Ludwig [ filosof si antropolog german, 1804-1872]
Geschichte der neuern Philosophie von Bacon von verulam bis Benedikt Spinoza/ Ludwig Feuerbach; Herausgegeben von Joachim Höppner
Reclam-Verlag, 1990, Leipzig , (carte) 397, [1]p., ISBN 3-379-00521-5
Topics (ro): istoria filosofiei - filosofia moderna - de la Bacon la Spinoza - sec.XVi-XVII; filosofie moderna germana - Feuerbach, Ludwig - sec.XIX; Bacon; Hobbes; Gassendi; Böhm; Descartes; Geulincx; Malebranche; Spinoza
Topics (en): history of philosophy - modern philosophy - from Bacon to Spinoza - 16th-17th c.; modern German philosophy - Feuerbachm Ludwig - 19th c.; Bacon; Hobbes; Gassendi; Böhm; Descartes; Geulincx; Malebranche; Spinoza
Position: MT/A-1459 UDC: 14*Feuerbach, Ludwig; 14(4)15/16(09)
Series: Reclam-Bibliothek; Band 647
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Parkinson, G.H.R. si Shanker, S.G. [Ed. gen.]; Kraye, Jill; Brown, Stuart; molland, George; Perez-Ramos, Antonio; Gaukroger, Stephen; Cottingham, John; Sorell, T.; Blom, Hans W.; Radner, Daisie; Jolley, Nicholas
Routledge History of Philosophy, [in ten volumes]: Volume 4: The Renaissance and 17th Century Rationalism/ General Editors: G.H.R. Parkinson and S.G. Shanker; [volume] edited by G.H.R. Parkinson
Routledge, 1993, London and New York , (carte) xxix, 444p., ISBN 0-415-30976-3
Topics (ro): istoria filosofiei - Renastere - rationalism - sec.XVII; filosofia Renasterii; Francis Bacon - Descartes - stiinta - matematica; metafizica - filosofia mintii - Descartes; materialism - sec.XVII - Gassendi - Hobbes; Spinoza; Leibniz
Topics (en): history of philosophy - Renaissance - rationalism - 17th c.; Renaissance philosophy; Francis Bacon - Descartes - science - mathematics; metaphysics - philosophy of mind - Descartes; materialism - 17th c. - Gassendi - Hobbes; Spinoza; Leibniz
Position: A.10-PAR (4) UDC: 141(09)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC