Aspects of the Mind of Byzantium: Political Theory, Theology, and Ecclesiastical Relations with the See of Rome / Milton V. Anastos; Edited by Speros Vryonis, jr. and Nicholas Goodhue
Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001, Aldershot-Burlington USA - Singapore - Sydney
, (carte) xiv, cca 380 p., ISBN 0-86078-840-7
Topics (ro): crestinism primitiv - Roma - Imperiul Bizantin; Roma - religie; bizantinism - religie - Imperiul Bizantin; Imperiul Bizantin - civilizatie - influente romane; Imperiul Bizantin - civilizatie; civilizatie bizantina; cultura medievala greaca; biserici roman Topics (en): Early Christianity - Rome - Byzantine Empire; Rome - religion; byzantinism - religion - Byzantine Empire; Byzantine Empire - civilization - Roman influences; Byzantine Empire - civilization; Byzantine civilization, the; Greek medieval culture; Roman Churc | | Position: H.142-ANA
UDC: 949.5
Series: Variorum Collected Studies Series |
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