Despre eternitatea lumii: Aristotel, Plotin, Sf. Augustin,[...]: Fragmente sau tratate/ Traducere din limba latina, tab. cron., note si postfata de Alexander Baumgarten
Editura Iri, 1999, Bucuresti
, (carte) 320p., ISBN 973-98-3776-X
Topics (ro): filosofie - metafizica; Aristotel; Plotin; Augustin, sf.; Ioan Filopon; Alkindi; Avicenna; Avencebrol; Algazel; Averroes; Albert cel Mare Topics (en): philosophy - metaphysics; Aristotle (384-322 BC); Plotinus; Augustine, Saint; John Philoponus; Alkindi; Avicenna, 980-1037, Arab physician and philosopher; Avencebrol; Algazel; Averroës, 1126-1198, Arab philosopher in Spain; Albert the Grand | | Position: A.12/.14-BAU (1)
UDC: 141.142:141.5
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