New Europe College

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1. Allain, Marie-Franèoise; Chesnelong, Bénédicte; Galmiche, Xavier; Garde, Paul; Hassner, Pierre; Kadaré, Ismaïl; Kerorguen, Yan de; Kullashi, Muhamedin; Lukic, Renéo; Maliqi, Shkëlzen; Nahoum-Grappe, Véronique
Kosovo: Un drame annoncé / sous la direction de Antoine Garapon, Olivier Mongin; contributions: Marie-Françoise Allain, Bénédicte Chesnelong, Xavier Galmiche, Paul Garde, Pierre Hassner, Ismaïl Kadaré, Yan de Kerorguen, Muhamedin Kullashi, Renéo Lukic, Shkëlzen Maliqi, Véronique Nahoum-Grappe
Éditions Michalon, 1999, Paris , (carte) 294 p., ISBN 2-84186-113-9
Topics (ro): istorie contemporana - Europa de Sud-Est - Kosovo - razboi - sec. XX; istorie - nationalism - razboi - fosta Iugoslavie - Kosovo - sec. XX
Topics (en): contemporary history - South-Eastern Europe - Kosovo - war - 20th century; history - nationalism - war - former Yugoslavia - Kosovo - 20th century
Position: H.1721-GAR UDC: 940.55(497 Kosovo)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Bjola, Corneliu
Legitimising the Use of Force in International Politics: Kosovo, Iraq and the ethics of intervention/ Corneliu Bjola
Routledge, 2009, London; New York , (carte) 221p., ISBN 978-0-415-61924-0
Topics (ro): relatii internationale - drept international - interventii umanitare; Razboiul din Kosovo, 1998-1999; Razboiul din Irak, 2003
Topics (en): international relations - international law - humanitarian intervention; Kosovo War, 1998-1999; Irak War, 2003
Position: H.173-BJO UDC: 172'.42-dc22
Series: Contemporary security studies
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Dimitrijevic, Nenad; Kovacs, Petra; Lippman, Peter; Krylova-Mueller, Elena; Rosenbaum, Allan; Gosselin, Tania; Djuric, Ivana; [...]
Managing Hatred and Distrust: The prognosis for Post-Conflict Settlement in Multiethnic Communities in the Former Yugoslavia / Edited by Nenad Dimitrijevic and Petra Kovacs
Open Society Institute, 2004, Budapest , (carte) xxvi, 328 p., ISBN 963-941-969-9, ISSN 1586-1317
Topics (ro): comunitati multietnice - fosta Iugoslavia; securitate locala multietnica; Kosovo postbelic - cadru legal - guvern local; coexistenta multietnica - Macedonia
Topics (en): multiethnic communities - former Yugoslavia; local multiethnic security; post-war Kosovo - legal framework - local government; multiethnic coexistence - Macedonia
Position: Ja.2-DIM UDC: 32(497.1)"19"
Series: LGI Books (Local Government and Public Service Reform Institute)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Gallagher, Tom
The Balkans in the New Millenium: In the shadow of war and peace/ Tom Gallagher
Routledge, 2005, London and New York , (carte) xx, 233p., ISBN 0-415-34940-0
Topics (ro): Peninsula Balcanica - politica si guvernamint; Kosovo, Serbia - istorie - razboi civil, 1998-1999 - pace; razboiul iugoslav, 1991-1995; Balcani - Grecia - Macedonia - Bosnia
Topics (en): Balkan Peninsula - politics and government; Kosovo, Serbia - history - civil war, 1998-1999 - peace; Yugoslav war, 1991-1995; Balkans - Greece - Macedonia - Bosnia
Position: H.1721-GAL UDC: 94(497)"199"
Series: Outcast Europe; Volume III
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Institutul European din România; Volintiru, Clara
Towards Dynamic Model of Terrorist Radicalization/ European Institute of Romania; Author: Clara Volintiru
Institutul European din România, 2010, Bucuresti , (brosura) 33p., ISSN 1582-4993
Topics (ro): Cecenia - Kosovo - studii de caz; terorisn - radicalizare - conflicte contemporane
Topics (en): Chechnya - Kosovo - case studies; terrorism - radicalization - contemporary conflicts
Position: Periodic UDC: 323.28
Series: Colectia de studii IER, Nr. 27

6. Judah, Tim
Kosovo: War and Revenge/ Tim Judah
Yale University Press, c. 2002, New Haven & London , (carte) xxviii, 350p., ISBN 978-0300-09725-2
Topics (ro): Balcani - istorie contemporana - Iugoslavia - Kosovo - razboiul balcanic - sec.XX; Kosovo - razboi si razbunare
Topics (en): Balkans - contemporary history - Yugoslavia - Kosovo - Balkanic war - 20th c.; Kosovo - war and revenge
Position: H.1721-JUD UDC: 94(497.1)"19"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Ker-Lindsay, James
Kosovo: the Path to Contested Statehood in the Balkans/ James Ker-Lindsay
I. B. Tauris & Co. Ltd, 2009, London - New , (carte) xv, 268p., ISBN 978-1-84885-012-5
Topics (ro): Kosovo (Republica) - istorie - autonomie si independenta; Kosovo - istorie - politica si guvernare - 1980-2008; statut international - Kosovo
Topics (en): Kosovo (Republic) - history - autonomy and independence; Kosovo - history - politics and government - 1980-2008; international status - Kosovo
Position: H.1721-KER UDC: 940.55(497 Kosovo)
Series: Library of European Studies; 11
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Kramer, Helmut; Dzihic, Vedran
Die Kosovo Bilanz: Scheiter die internationale Gemeinschaft?/ Helmut Kramer, Vedran Dzihic
LIT Verlag GmbH, 2006, Wien , (carte) iv, 272p., ISBN 3-8258-8646-8
Topics (ro): istorie - Kosovo - 1999-2005; economie - politica - societate - Kosovo - 1999-2005; relatii internationale - Kosovo - 1999-2005
Topics (en): history - Kosovo - 1999-2005; economy - politics - society - Kosovo - 1999-2005; international relations - Kosovo - 1999-2005
Position: H.011n-KRA UDC: 94(497.1Kosovo)"1999/2005"
Series: Politik aktuell; Band 1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Malcolm, Noel
Kosovo: A Short History/ Noel Malcolm
Papermac, 1998, London , (carte) xxxvi, 492p., ISBN 0-333-66613-5
Topics (ro): Kosovo - istorie; sirbi - albanezi - valahi - Kosovo
Topics (en): Kosovo - history; Serbs - Albanians - Vlachs - Kosovo
Position: H.011n-MAL UDC: 94(497.1Kosovo)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Mertus, Julie A.
Kosovo: How Myths and Truths Started a War/ Julie A. Mertus
University of California Press, 1999, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London , (carte) xxii, 379p., ISBN 0-520-21865-5
Topics (ro): Kosovo (Serbia) - razboi civil - 1998 - cauze; istorie - Serbia - Kosovo - sec.XX
Topics (en): -
Position: H.1721-MER UDC: 949.71
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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