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1. *
Les écoles présocratiques/ Édition établie par Jean-Paul Dumont
Gallimard, 1991, Paris , (carte) lxvii, 954p., ISBN 2-07-032610-1
Topics (ro): filosofie antica - scoli presocratice - spatiu si origini - timp si durata; filosofi presocratici - Thales - Anaximandru - Heraclit; Pitagora si scoala pitagorica; filosofie - Grecia - sofisti; texte
Topics (en): ancient philosophy - pre-Socratic schools - space and origins - time and duration ; pre-Socratic philosophers - Thales - Anaximander - Heraclitus; Phytagoras and Phytagorean school; philosophy - Greece - sophists; texts
Position: A.12-DUM UDC: 141.13(38)(100)
Series: folio essais
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Despre Pythagora si pythagorei. Fragmente/ Traducere si note de Mihai Nasta
Paideia, , Bucuresti , (carte) 244p., ISBN 973-9393-05-3
Topics (ro): filosofie greaca antica - Pitagora - pitagorism - fragmente grecesti - traducere in l. româna
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - Pythagoras - Pythagorism - Greek fragments - Romanian version
Position: DS/A-308 UDC: 821.14Pitagora=135.1
Series: Colectia cartilor de seama
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Badilita, Cristian
Platonopolis sau Impacarea cu filozofia/ Cristian Badilita
Polirom, 1999, Iasi , (carte) 224p., ISBN 973-683-327-5
Topics (ro): filosofie - istoria filosofiei - Platon; filosofie - mistica; Pitagora; Plotin; Evgarie din Pont; Scoala de la Paltinis
Topics (en): philosophy - history of philosophy - Plato; philosophy - mystic; Pythagoras (c582-c500 B.C.); Plotinus; Evagrius Ponticus; school of Paltinis
Position: Va.2-BAD UDC: 1(498)
Series: Plural M
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Dahan-Dalmedico, Amy; Peiffer, Jeanne
Une histoire des mathématiques: Routes et dédales/ Amy Dahan-Dalmedico, Jeanne Peiffer; Préface de Jean-Toussaint Desanti
Editions du Seuil, 1986, Paris , (carte) 320 p., ISBN 2-02-009138-0
Topics (ro): aritmetica - Pitagora; matematica ioniana - Thales; astronomie - Copernic; algebra - istorie; aritmetica - istorie; istoria matematicii; matematica - istorie; geometrie - figuri, spatii; analiza matematica; numere complexe; structuri algebrice
Topics (en): arithmetic - Pythagoras (c582-c500 B.C.); Ionian mathematics - Thales; astronomy - Copernicus, Nicolaus; algebra - history; arithmetic - history; history of mathematics; mathematics - history; geometry - figures, spaces; mathematical analysis; complex num
Position: B.16-DAH; AS/S-106 UDC: 51(091)
Series: Points; S58
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Gobry, Ivan [ n. 1927]
Pythagore ou la naissance de la philosophie/ Présentation, choix de textes, bibliographie par Ivan Gobry
Éditions Seghers, 1973, Paris , (carte) 192p.
Topics (ro): filosofie greaca antica - Pitagora - sec. VI i.e.n.; pitagorism; Pitagora - viata si opera
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - Pythagoras - 6th c. B.C..; pitagorism; Pythagoras - life and work
Position: MT/A-2669 UDC: 14*Pitagora
Series: Philosophes de tous les temps; 85

6. Iamblichos (cca 250-330 d.Hr.)
De Vita Pythagorica/ Iamblichos; Studiu introductiv, traducere din limba greaca, note, comentarii si indice de Tudor Dinu
Editura Sinapsa, 2001, Bucuresci , (carte) 187p., ISBN 973-9029-80-9
Topics (ro): Iamblichos (cca 250-330 d.Hr.) - viata - opera - Grecia antica; Pitagora, matematician si filosof grec - biografie; Iamblicos - De vita pytagorica - text si comentariu
Topics (en): Iamblichos, ca. 250-330 B.C. - life - work - Ancient Greece; Pythagoras, Greek mathematician and philosopher - biography; Iamblicos - De vita pytagorica - text and commentary
Position: DS/A-188 UDC: 929*Pitagora
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Iamblichos (cca 250-330 d.Hr.)
Iamblichi De vita pythagorica liber: Graece et germanicae/ Iamblichos; Edidit, transtulit, praefatus est Michael von Albrecht = Pythagoras: Legende, Lehre, Lebensgestaltung: griechisch und Deutsch/ Iamblichos; Herausgegeben, übersetzt und einfeleitet von Michael von Albrecht
Artemis Verlag, 1963, Zürich und Stuttgart , (carte) 280p.
Topics (ro): Iamblichos (cca 250-330 d.Hr.) - neoplatonicism; Pitagora, matematician si filosof grec - biografie; Iamblicos - De vita pytagorica - text si comentariu
Topics (en): Iamblichus (ca. 250-330 AD) - Neo-Platonism; Pythagoras, Greek mathematician and philosopher - biography; Iamblicos - De vita pytagorica - text and commentary
Position: MT/A-1939 UDC: 14*Pitagora; 929Pitagora

8. Jacquemard, Simonne
Trois mystiques grecs: Orphée, Pythagore, Empédocle / Simonne Jacquemard
Albin Michel, 1997, Paris , (carte) 172 p., ISBN 2-226-08946-2, ISSN 0755-1835
Topics (ro): filosofie clasica - mistica greaca - miracol grec - sec. V i.e.n. - Grecia antica; civilizatie greaca - sec. V i.e.n.; filosofie mistica - ritualuri initiatice - orfism - Grecia antica; filosofie - mistica - Orfeu din Tracia - Pitagora - Empedocle - Greci
Topics (en): classical philosophy - Greek mysticism - Greek miracle - 5th century b. C. - Ancient Greece; Greek civilization - 5th cebtury b. C.; mystical philosophy - initiatory rituals - Orphism - Ancient Greece; philosophy - mystic - Orpheus from Thrace - Pythagora
Position: G.1h1-JAC UDC: 141.33(38)
Series: Spiritualités vivantes: 146
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Joost-Gaugier, Christiane L.
Measuring Heaven: Pythagoras and His Influence on Thought and Art in Antiquity and the Middle Ages/ Christiane L. Joost-Gaugier
Cornell University Press, 2006, Ithaca and London , (carte) xii, 359p., ISBN 0-8014-4396-2
Topics (ro): arta si filosofie - Pitagora si scoala pitagoreica, influente; filosofie antica - filosofia artei - Antichitate - Evul Mediu; arhitectura si filosofie - influente pitagoreice
Topics (en): art and philosophy - Pythagoras and Pythagorean school, influences; ancient philosophy - philosophy of art - Antiquity - Middle Ages; architecture and philosophy - Pythagorean influences
Position: U.012-PYT-Joo UDC: 7.01(38)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Kirk, G. S.; Raven, J. E.; Schofield, M.
Les Philosophes présocratiques: Une histoire critique avec un choix de textes / G. S. Kirk, J. E. Ravem, M. Schofield; Traduit de l'anglais par Hélène-Alix de Weck; sous la direction de Dominic J. O'Meara
Éditions Universitaires Fribourg, Suisse - Éditions du CERF, Paris, 1995, Fribourg - Paris , (carte) xii, 542 p., ISBN 2-204-05263-9, ISSN 1021-156X
Topics (ro): filosofie antica greaca - presocratici - critica istorica si interpretare filosofica; filosofie presocratica - cosmogonie orfica - Hesiod; filosofi presocratici - Thales - Anaximandru - Xenofon - Heraclit - Pitagora - Parmenide - Zenon - E
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - pre-Socratic philosophers - historical critique and philosophical interpretation; Presocratic philosophy - Orphic cosmogony - Hesiod; pre-Socratic philosophers - Thales - Anaximander - Xenophanes - Heraclitus - Pythagoras (c582-
Position: A.14-VES (16) UDC: 141.13(38)(100)
Series: Vestigia; 16
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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