Experiencing Rome: Culture, Identity and Power in the Roman Empire / Edited by Janet Huskinson
Routledge - The Open University, 2000, Milton Keynes - New York
, (carte) xvi, 378 p., ISBN 0-415-21284-7
Topics (ro): Roma - civilizatie; stiinte sociale - putere - Imperiul Roman; romani - identitate etnica; Roma - imperialism - cultura de elita; Imperiul Roman - gen - identitate - cultura - putere; economie romana - putere; urbanism - Imperiul Roman - urbanizare; relig Topics (en): Rome - civilization; social sciences - power - Roman Empire, the; Romans - ethnic identity; Rome - imperialism - elite culture; Roman Empire, the - gender - identity - culture - power; Roman economy - power; urban planning - Roman Empire, the - town plann | | Position: H.13-HUS
UDC: 937
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