The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!: Pageantry and Patriotism in Cold-War America / Richard M. Fried
Oxford University Press, 1998, New York; Oxford
, (carte) XIV, 220 p., ISBN 0-19-507020-8
Topics (ro): istorie - Statele Unite - razboiul rece; anticomunism - Statele Unite; razboiul rece - aspecte sociale - SUA; cultura politica - SUA - istorie - sec. XX; patriotism - SUA; SUA - civilizatie - 1945-; miscari anti-comuniste - SUA Topics (en): history - United States, the - cold war, the; anticommunism - United States, the; cold war, the - social aspects - USA; political culture - USA - history - 20th century, the; patriotism - USA; USA - civilization - after 1945; anti-communist movements - US | | Position: H.17-FRI
UDC: 973.92
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