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1. Adorno, Theodor W.
Die musikalischen Monographien/ Theodor W. Adorno
Suhrkamp, 1997, Frankfurt am Main , (carte) 521p., ISBN 3-518-06511-4
Topics (ro): filosofie - Germania - sec.XX; muzicologie - monografii muzicale; Wagner, Richard (despre); Mahler, Gustav (despre); Berg, Alban (despre)
Topics (en): philosophy - Germany - 20th century; musicology - musical monographies; Wagner, Richard, on; Mahler, Gustav (about); Berg, Alban
Position: A.2-ADO (13) UDC: 14(430)"19"Adorno:78
Series: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Adorno, Theodor W. (1903-1969)
Essai sur Wagner/ par Theodor W. Adorno; Traduit de l'allemand par Hans Hildenbrand et Alex Lindenberg
Gallimard NRF, 1966, Paris , (carte) 214, [10]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - Adorno, Theodor W. - Germania - sec.XX; muzica si filosofie - Wagner, Richard; muzica si mitologie
Topics (en): philosophy - Adorno, Theodor W. - Germany - 20th c.; music and philosophy - Wagner, Richard; music and mythology
Position: MT/A-1039 UDC: 14*Adorno, Theodor
Series: Les Essais; CXXII

3. Durand, Gilbert
Arte si arhetipuri: Religia artei/ Gilbert Durand; Traducere de Andrei Niculescu
Meridiane, 2003, Bucuresti , (carte) 256p., ISBN 973-33-0426-3
Topics (ro): arte - arhetipuri; antropologie - mitologie - arhetipologie; oglinda; anima; baroc - expresionism; Wagner, Richard; Mozart, W.-A.; Graal
Topics (en): fine arts - archetypes; anthropology - mithology - archetypology; mirror; anima; baroque - expressionism; Wagner, Richard; Mozart, W.-A.; Holy Grail
Position: U.02-DUR UDC: 7.01
Series: Biblioteca de arta; 610.
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Gründer, Karlfried [ 1928-2011] [Ed.]
der Streit um Nietzsches Geburt der Tragödie: Die Sdchriften von E. Rohde, R. Wagner, U. v. Wilamowitz-Möllendorff/ Zusammengestellt und eingeleitet von Karlfried Gründer
Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1969, Hildesheim , (carte) 136p.
Topics (ro): filosofie germana moderna - Nietzsche, Friedrich, 1844-1900 - sec.XIX; Nietzsche - Nasterea tragediei - disputa - Rhode, Erwin - Wilamowitz-Möllendorf, Ulrich von - Wagner, Richard
Topics (en): Modern German philosophy - Nietzsche, Friedrich, 1844-1900 - 19th c.; Nietzsche - The Birth of Tragedy - dispute - Rohde, Erwin - Wilamowitz-Möllendorf, Ulrich von - Wagner, Richard
Position: MT/A-2377 UDC: 14*Nietzsche, Friedrich
Series: Olms Paperbacks; Band 40

5. Hurn, P. D.; Root, W. L.
La vérité sur Wagner: établie d'aprè les Documents Burrel/ par P. D. Hurn et W. L. Root/ Traduction de M. Rémon
Librairie Stock, 1930, Paris , (carte) 249p.
Topics (ro): Wagner, Richard (1813-1883) - compozitor - Germania; biografie - documente - Wagner, Richard
Topics (en): Wagner, Richard (1813-1883) - composer - Germany; biography - documents - Wagner, Richard
Position: VI/A-149 UDC: 78*Wagner, Richard

6. Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900)
Cazul Wagner / Friedrich Nietzsche; Traducere din germana de Alexandru Leahu
Humanitas, 2004, Bucuresti , (carte) 100 p., ISBN 973-50-0730-8
Topics (ro): muzica germana - Wagner, Richard, compozitor - critica si biografie - Nietzsche, Friedrich
Topics (en): German music - Wagner, Richard, composer - criticism and biography - Nietzsche, Friedrich
Position: A.2-NIE UDC: 78(430) Wagner, R.
Series: In oglinda
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC, Humanitas

7. Pourtalès, Guy de [1881-1941]
Wagner: Histoire d'un artiste/ Guy de Pourtalès
Librairie Gallimard, 1932, Paris , (carte) 446p.
Topics (ro): muzica germana - Wagner, Richard - sec.XIX; biografie - Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883
Topics (en): German music - Wagner, Richard - 19th c.; biography - Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883
Position: VI/A-56 UDC: 78(430)"18"Wagner,Richard
Series: Librairies Joseph Gilbert; 205

8. Spotts, Frederic
Bayreuth: A History of the Wagner Festival/ Frederic Spotts
Yale University Press, 1994, New Haven and London , (carte) x, 334p., ISBN 0-300-05777-6
Topics (ro): Wagner, Richard (1813-1883) - opera - Germania; muzica - Festivalul Wagner - Bayreuth; Bayreuther Festspiele
Topics (en): Wagner, Richard (1813-1883) - works - Germany; music - Wagner Festival - Bayreuth; Bayreuth, opera house
Position: Uf-WAG-Spo UDC: 78*Wagner,Richard
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Wagner, Richard [1813-1883]
Mes oeuvres/ Richard Wagner; Avant-propos de Edmond Buchet; Introduction et traduction de J. G. Prod'homme
Éditions Corrêa, 1941, Paris , (carte) 317p.
Topics (ro): Wagner, Richard (1813-1883) - opera - Germania; Wagner, Richard - compozitor
Topics (en): Wagner, Richard (1813-1883) - works - Germany; Wagner, Richard - composer
Position: VI/A-148 UDC: 78*Wagner, Richard

10. Wagner, Richard [1813-1883]
Ma vie, Tome I: 1813-1842/ Richard Wagner; Traduction de N. Valentin et A. Schenk
Librairie Plon, [1911], Paris , (carte) 363p.
Topics (ro): Wagner, Richard (1813-1883) - compozitor - Germania; Wagner, Richard - autobiografie - 1813-1842
Topics (en): Wagner, Richard (1813-1883) - composer - Germany; Wagner, Richard - autobiography - 1813-1842
Position: VI/A-150 UDC: 78*Wagner, Richard

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