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1. Busse, Adolf [ clasicist german, 1856-1942]
Sokrates der Erzieher/ von Adolf Busse
Verlag von Felix Meiner, 1914, Leipzig , (carte) vi, 248, [6[p.
Topics (ro): filosofie greaca antica - Socrate; Socrate educatorul; Platon; Xenofon; Aristotel; Atena; sofistica; Socrate si comedia; dialectica socratica; teoria virtutii; etica sociala; pietatea
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - Socrates; Socrates the educator; Plato; Xenophon; Aristotle; Athens; sophistry; Socrates and comedy; Socratic dialectic; theory of virtue; social ethics; piety
Position: MT/A-2845 UDC: 14*Socrate: 37
Series: Die grossen ErzieherL Ihre persönlichkeit und ihre Susteme; Bd. VII

2. Cizek, Alexandru N.
From the Historical Truth to the Literary Convention: The Life of Cyrus the great Viewed by Herodotus, Ctesias and Xenophon/ Alexandru Cizek
[ Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, 1975, Bruxelles = Brussel , (extras) pp. 531-552
Topics (ro): adevar istoric - conventie literara - studii clasice; viata lui Cirus cel Mare - Herodot - Ctesias - Xenofon
Topics (en): historical truth - literary convention - classical studies; life of Cyrus the Great - Herodotus - Ctesias - Xenophon
Position: T.3-CIZ UDC: 929Cirus cel Mare:821.14Herodot,Ctesias,Xenophon

3. Fraisse, Anne; Fraisse, Jean-Claude [Eds.]
Socrate: Portraits et enseignements/ Textes choisis et traduits par Anne Fraisse et Jean-Claude Fraisse
Presses Universitaires de France, 1972, Paris , (carte) 236, [4]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie greaca antica - Socrate; portretul lui Socrate - Platon - Xenofon - Aristofan - Diogene Laertius
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - Socrates; portrait of Socrates - Plato - Xenophon - Aristophanes - Diogenes Laertius
Position: MT/A-2850 UDC: 14*Socrate
Series: les grands textes: Bibliothèque classique de philosophie

4. Grassi, Ernesto [filosof italian, 1902-1991]
Die Theorie des Schönen in der Antike/ Ernesto Grassi
verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, 1962, Köln , (carte) 287, [5]p.
Topics (ro): estetica - istoria esteticii - Antichitatea; teoria frumosului - filosofia antica; frumosul si arta; frumosul - semnificatia ontologica; Xenofon; Platon; Aristotel: Seneca
Topics (en): aesthetics - aesthetics history - Antiquity; theory of beautiful - the ancient philosophy; beauty and art; beautiful - ontological significance; Xenophon; Plato; Aristotle: Seneca
Position: MT/A-3249 UDC: 118.85(09); 7.01(09)
Series: DuMont Dokumenta: reihe I: Kunstgeschichte: Deutung-Dokumente

5. Jaeger, Werner
Paideia: Die Formung des griechischen Menschen. Dritter Band / von Werner Jaeger
Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1959, Berlin , (carte) 462 p.
Topics (ro): filosofie greaca - istorie; filosofie politica - stat - Platon - Grecia antica; retorica; filosofie - dialectica - Grecia; filosofie politica - autoritate - libertate - democratie - Grecia; filosofie - Platon - Isocrate - Xenofon - Demostene - Grecia anti
Topics (en): Greek philosophy - history; political philosophy - state, the - Plato - ancient Greece; rhetoric; philosophy - dialectics - Greece; political philosophy - authority - freedom, liberty - democracy - Greece; philosophy - Plato - Isocrates - Xenophon - Demos
Position: A.12-JAE (3) UDC: 1(38)(100)

6. Kirk, G. S.; Raven, J. E.; Schofield, M.
Les Philosophes présocratiques: Une histoire critique avec un choix de textes / G. S. Kirk, J. E. Ravem, M. Schofield; Traduit de l'anglais par Hélène-Alix de Weck; sous la direction de Dominic J. O'Meara
Éditions Universitaires Fribourg, Suisse - Éditions du CERF, Paris, 1995, Fribourg - Paris , (carte) xii, 542 p., ISBN 2-204-05263-9, ISSN 1021-156X
Topics (ro): filosofie antica greaca - presocratici - critica istorica si interpretare filosofica; filosofie presocratica - cosmogonie orfica - Hesiod; filosofi presocratici - Thales - Anaximandru - Xenofon - Heraclit - Pitagora - Parmenide - Zenon - E
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - pre-Socratic philosophers - historical critique and philosophical interpretation; Presocratic philosophy - Orphic cosmogony - Hesiod; pre-Socratic philosophers - Thales - Anaximander - Xenophanes - Heraclitus - Pythagoras (c582-
Position: A.14-VES (16) UDC: 141.13(38)(100)
Series: Vestigia; 16
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Strauss, Leo (1899-1973)
On Tyranny / Leo Strauss; Revised and Expanded Edition Including the Strauss-Kojève Correspondence; Edited by Victor Gourevitch and Michael S. Roth
The University of Chicago Press, 2000, Chicago and London , (carte) xxii, 336 p., ISBN 0-226-77687-5 (pbk)
Topics (ro): stiinte politice - filosofie - tiranie - Strauss, Leo, 1899-1973; Strauss, Leo - corespondenta - Kojève, Alexandre, 1902-1968; Xenofon - Hieron; politica - despotism
Topics (en): political science - philosophy - tyranny - Strauss, Leo, 1899-1973; Strauss, Leo - correspondence - Kojève, Alexandre, 1902-1968; Xenophon - Hieron, Tyrannicus, dialogue; politics - despotism
Position: Ja.42.2-STR UDC: 321.9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Xenophon ( Xenofon, c. 430-354 i.e.n.)
Amintiri despre Socrate: Convorbiri memorabile, Despre economie, Banchetul, Apologia/ Xenofon; Traducere, prefata, note si indice de Grigore Tanasescu
Editura Univers, 1987, Bucuresti , (carte) 272p.
Topics (ro): filosofie greaca antica - Xenofon; Xenofon - amintiri despre Socrate; Socrates - guvernarea vietii domestice; Socrate - Banchetul; Socrate - Apologia
Topics (en): Ancient Greek philosophy - Xenophon; Xenophon - memories of Socrates; Socrates - the governance of domestic life; Socrates - Symposium; Socrates - Apology
Position: MT/A-3013 UDC: 14*Xenofon: 14*Socrate
Series: Clasicii Literaturii Universale

9. Xenophon ( Xenofon, c. 430-354 i.e.n.)
Anabase, Banquet, Économique, De la chasse, République des Lacédémoniens, République des Athéniens/ Xenophon; Traduction nouvelle avec notices et notes par Pierre Chambry
Éditions Garnier Frères, 1954, Paris , (carte) 545p.
Topics (ro): literatura greaca antica - istoriografie - Xenophon - Anabasis - text grec - comentariu in l. franceza; istorie - Grecia - antichitate; Xenofon - filosofie greaca antica; Xenofon - vinatoare; guvernarea vietii domestice
Topics (en): ancient Greek literature - historiography - Xenophon - Anabasis - Greek text with French commentary; history - Greece - Antiquity; Xenophon - ancient Greek philosophy; Xenophon - hunting; the governance of domestic life
Position: MT/A-3015 UDC: 14*Xenofon: 930
Series: Classiques Garnier

10. Xenophon ( Xenofon, c. 430-354 i.e.n.)
Les Mémorables/ Xénophon; Extraits traduits et annotés par Jean Guillon
A. Hatier, 1965, Paris , (carte) 64p.
Topics (ro): filosofie greaca antica - Xenofon - amintiri despre Socrate - cuvinte memorabile
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - Xenophon - recollections of Socrates - memorable words
Position: MT/A-3019 UDC: 14*Xenofon: 14*Socrate
Series: Traductions Hatier. La Grèce

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