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Found books: 1 - 10 (total 10 t: a: ).

1. *
Souffrance, plaisir et pensée: 1res Rencontres psychanalitiques d'Aix-en-Provence, 1982/ par J. Cain, C. David, M. Fain, J. Guillaumin, S. Mellor-Picaut, M. Olender
Les Belles Lettres, 1983, Paris , (carte) 254p., ISBN 2-251- 33416-5, ISSN 0245-88-29
Topics (ro): suferinta - placere - gindire; afecte - gindire
Topics (en): suffering - pleasure - thinking; affections - thinking
Position: Da.0-CAIN UDC: 159.9
Series: Confluents Psychanalytiques/ coll. dirigée par Alain de Mijolla
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Pathos, Affekt, Gefühl: Philosophische Beiträge/ von Karl Albert, Martin Bauer, Karl Bormann, Ingrid Craemer-Ruegenberg, P. Willehad Paul Eckert O.P., Philippe Forget, Ursula Franke, Hans-Günther Heimbrock, Klaus Jacobi, Clemens Kopp, Fritz Paepcke, Peter Steinacker, Hubertus Tellenbach, Markus H. Wörner; Hrsg. von Ingrid Craemer-Ruegenberg
Verlag Karl Alber, 1981, Freiburg/ München , (carte) 374p., ISBN 3-495-47462-5
Topics (ro): psihologie - afecte; sentimente; pathos
Topics (en): psychology - affections/ emotions; feelings/ emotions; pathos
Position: D.0-CRA UDC: 159.9
Series: Alber-Broschur Philosophie
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Le Coeur/ Swami Adidevananda, Germain Bazin, P. Louis Beirnaeret [...]
Desclée de Brouwer, 1950, Paris , (carte) 402p.
Topics (ro): sacrificiu - moarte sacrificiala - inima; teologia inimii; inima - afecte - viata afectiva; inima lui Iisus - crestinism - iubire divina; suprarealism - inima
Topics (en): sacrifice - sacrificial death - heart; theology of the heart; heart - affections - emotional life; heart of Jesus - Christianity / Christianism - divine love; Surrealism - heart
Position: AS/G-72 UDC: 291
Series: Etudes Carmélitaines: 29

4. Adam, Véronique; Caiozzo, Anna [Eds.]; Gallingani, Daniela; Walter, Philippe; Chira, Rodica-Gabriela; Zapperi, Giovanna; [...
La fabrique du corps humain: la machine modèle du vivant/ sous la direction de Véronique Adam et Anna Caiozzo
CNRS - Maison des Sciences de l'Homme - Alpes, 2010, Grenoble , (carte) 388p., ISBN 978-2-914242-363
Topics (ro): masina - mecanism - corpul omenesc; istoria automatului; psihologia masinii; afectele automatelor
Topics (en): machine - mechanism - human body; history of the automata; psychology of the machine; affects of automata
Position: Sf-ADA UDC: 576
Series: Publications de la MSH-Alpes
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Altieri, Charles
The Particulars of Rapture: An Aesthetics of the Affects/ Charles Altieri
Cornell University Press, 2003, Ithaca and London , (carte) x, 301p., ISBN 0-8014-8843-5
Topics (ro): critica literara - estetica; teorii filosofice - estetica - arta; teoria afectelor - estetica; afecte - emotii - pictura - poezie; simtaminte - literatura - pictura; estetica afectelor
Topics (en): literary criticism - aesthetics; philosophical theories - aesthetics - art; theory of the affects - aesthetics; affects - emotions - painting - poetry; feelings - literature - painting; aesthetics of the affects
Position: Ac.0-ALT UDC: 111.85
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Koppenfels, Martin von
Immune Erzähler: Flaubert und die Affektpolitik des modernen Romans/ Martin von Koppenfels
Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2007, München , (carte) 400p., ISBN 978-3-7705-4386-1
Topics (ro): literatura franceza - Flaubert - Proust - Céline - Duras; romanul francez modern - sentimente/ afecte/ emotii; corp si sentimente - literatura moderna
Topics (en): French literature - Flaubert - Proust - Céline - Duras; modern French novel - feelings/ affects/ emotions; body and feelings - modern literature
Position: T.2-KOP UDC: 82.0
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Lipps, Theodor [ filosof si psiholog german, reprezentant al psihologismului german, 1851-1914]
Leitfaden der Psychologie/ von Theodor LIpps
Verlag von Wilheolm Engelmann, 1903, Leipzig , (carte) ix, 350p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - bazele psihologiei; aperceptia; cunoasterea; vointa; sentimentele; stari psihice; afecte; temperamente; tipuri psihologice; somn - vis - hipnoza; psihopatologie
Topics (en): Psychology - Basic Psychology; apperception; knowledge; will; feelings; mental states; emotions; temperaments; psychological types; sleep - dream - hypnosis; psychopathology
Position: MT/A-3651 UDC: 159.9

8. Perry, John W.
Le voyage symbolique: Un regard nouveau sur les délires des schizophrènes/ John W. Perry
Aubier Montaigne, 1976, Paris , (carte) 223p.
Topics (ro): schizofrenie - halucinatii - delir; psihanaliza; psihoza - calatorie simbolica - calatorie interioara; calatorie psihedelica; sinele - reorganizarea sinelui - afecte - imagini; arhetipul regalitatii; eroul mesianic; misticism - erou - nebunie
Topics (en): schizophrenia - hallucinations/ delusions - delirium; psycho-analysis; psychosis - symbolic journey - inward journey; psychedelic travelling (psychedellic journey, voyage); the self - reorganization of the self - affections/ emotions - images; archetype o
Position: AS/T-11 UDC: 159.9
Series: Collection La chair et l'esprit

9. Ribot, Th. [ Théodule Ribot, 1839-1916]
Problèmes de psychologie affective/ par Th. Ribot
Librairie Félix Alcan, 1924, Paris , (carte) 172p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - psihologie afectiva; afecte - constiinta afectiva - memorie afectiva; antipatia; natura placerii; iluzia afectiva
Topics (en): psychology - affective psychology; emotions - emotional conscience - emotional memory; antipathy; nature of pleasure; affective illusion
Position: MT/A-3744 UDC: 159.9
Series: Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine

10. Stets, Jan E.; Turner, Jonathan H. [Eds.]; Boyns, David; Charmaz, Kathy; Clanton, Gordon; Copp, Martha; Favis, Mark H.; Di Leone, Brooke; Felmlee, Diane H.; Fields; [...]
Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions/ Edited by Jan E. Stets and Jonathan H. Turner
Springer, 2006, New York , (carte) xiii, 658p., ISBN 0-387-30713-3
Topics (ro): sociologia emotiilor - compendiu; clasificarea emotiilor - neurostiinta emotiilor; gen si emotii - teoria emotiilor; teoria controlului afectelor; teoria identitatii - teoria sinelui si emotiile; iubire - gelozie - invidie - empatie - simpatie - minie - m
Topics (en): sociology of emotions - handbook; classification of emotions - neuroscience of emotions; gender and emotions - theory of emotions; affect control theory; identity theory - self theory and emotions; love - jealousy - envy - empathy - sympathy - anger - gri
Position: D.0-STE UDC: 159.9:30
Series: Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC