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1. *
Ethnologie française: succède à Arts et traditions populaires, Folklore paysan, Le folklore vivant, Le mois d'ethnographie française, Les annales de la Société d'ethnographie française/ publiée avec le concours du CNRS et de la Direction des Musées de France: directeur de la publication: Jean Cuisenier
Armand Colin, 1993-1994, Paris , (periodic)
Topics (ro): antropologie religioasa; etno-antropologie; antropologie - Italia; afis politic; demonologie; imagine; etnologie - Franta; mit - mitologie; muzeografie - cultura materiala; timp - memorie - istorisire; etnomuzicologie
Topics (en): religious anthropology; ethno-anthropology; anthropology - Italy; political poster; demonology; image; ethnology - France; myth - mythology; museography - material culture; time - memory - narration; ethnomusicology
Position: periodic UDC: 39(44)

2. *
Paroles de mai / paroles rassemblées par Michel Piquemal; affiches de l'atelier populaire des Beaux-Arts; photographies de Gilles Caron et Jo Schnapp; sérigraphies de Gérard Fromanger
Albin Michel, f.a., Paris , (carte) cca 50 p.
Topics (ro): revolutia din mai 1968 - afise, publicitate; istorie contemporana - comunism
Topics (en): Revolution of May 1968 - posters, publicity; contemporary history - communism
Position: AS/O-55 UDC: 940.55"1968"

3. *
Paris Moscou: arts plastiques, arts appliqués et objets utilitaires, architecture-urbanisme, agitprop, affiche, théâtre-ballet, littérature, musique, cinéma, photo créative: Exposition, Paris, 31 mai - 5 novembre 1979/ Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, Paris, Ministère de la Culture de l'URSS, Moscou
Centre Georges Pompidou, 1979, Paris , (carte) 580p., ISBN 2-85850-002-9
Topics (ro): literatura franceza - avangarda; arta rusa - avangarda; arta - avangarda - Moscova - Paris - 1900; expozitie - avangarda rusa - avangarda franceza - Paris - 1979; arhitectura; urbanism; afis; muzica; teatru; cinematografie; balet; arte aplicate
Topics (en): French literature - avantgarde; Russian art - avantgarde; fine arts - avantgarde - Moscow - Paris - 1900; exhibition - Russian avantgarde - French avantgarde - Paris - 1979; architecture; urban planning; poster; music; theatre; cinematography; ballet; app
Position: AS/J-75 UDC: 061.4:7.036(44:47)"1900/1930"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Bonnell, Victoria E.
Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters under Lenin and Stalin/ Victoria E. Bonnell
University of California Press, 1997, Berkeley; Los Angeles; London , (carte) XXII, 364p., ISBN 0-520-08712-7
Topics (ro): politica - guvernamint - afis politic - URSS - 1917-1953; iconografie - afis politic - Uniunea Sovietica - 1917-1953
Topics (en): politics - government - political poster - USSR - 1917-1953; iconography - political poster - Soviet Union - 1917-1953
Position: U.171-BON UDC: 7.04
Series: Studies on the History of Society and Culture;27
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Demszky, Gabor; Rajk, Laszlo; Sasvari, Edit
Földalatti vonalak = Underground Lines = Untergrundlinien/ Demszky Gabor, Rajk Laszlo, Sasvari Edit; Deutsche Übersetzung: Wilhelm Droste; English translation: Stephen Humphries
Jelenkor Kiado, 2000, Pecs , (album) 112p., ISBN 963-676-260-0
Topics (ro): grafica - afis - ilustratie - Rajk, Laszlo - Ungaria - 1970-1989
Topics (en): graphics - poster - Rajk, Laszlo - Hungaria - 1970-1989
Position: U.172-DEM UDC: 76(439.1)"196/198"Rajk,Laszlo(081.1)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Krahmer, Catherine
Käthe Kollwitz: in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten/ dargestellt von Catherine Krahmer
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH, 1981, Hamburg , (carte) 158p., ISBN 3-499-50294-1
Topics (ro): Kollwitz, Käthe, 1867-1945- monografie ; desen - Germania - sec. XIX-XX - Kollwitz, Käthe; grafica - litografie - afis - Kollwitz, Käthe
Topics (en): Kollwitz, Käthe, 1867-1945 - monography; drawing - Germany - 19th-20th c. - Kollwitz, Käthe; graphics - lithography - poster - Kollwitz, Käthe
Position: U.171-KOL-Kra UDC: 741+76(430)"18/19"Kollwitz, Käthe
Series: Rowohlts Monographien
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Lippard, Lucy R.
Get the Message? A Decade of Art for Social Change/ Lucy R. Lippard
E.P. Dutton, Inc., 1984, New York , (carte) viii, 343p., ISBN 0-525-48037-4
Topics (ro): arta politica - sec.XX; arta si politica - sec. XX; afisul politic; avangarda - audienta - alienare; arta sociopolitica; feminism si arta; constiinta de clasa si arta; arta si propaganda; constiinta colectiva; arta activista
Topics (en): political art - 20th c.; art and politics - 20th c.; political poster; avant-garde - audience - alienation; sociopolitical art; feminism and art; clas consciousness and art; art and propaganda; collective conscience; activist art
Position: U.172-LIP UDC: 7.036/.038:32
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Lipschutz, Paul [colectia si selectia; 1920-2008]; National Library of Sweden
110 ar i affischer: Ett urval ur Paul Lipschutz samling = 110 Years in Posters Selected from the Paul Lipschutz Poster Collection/ Paul Lipschutz; National Library of Sweden; [ editor: Janna Herder
Raster Vörlag Kungl. biblioteket = National Library of Sweden, 2008, Stockholm , (album) 223p., ISBN 978-91-7000-268-7
Topics (ro): grafica - afis - sec.XX - colectia Paul Lipschutz - reproduceri color
Topics (en): graphic art - poster - 20th c. - Paul Lipschutz Collection - color reproductions
Position: U.17-LIP (1) UDC: 769(100)"19"(084.1)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Lipschutz, Paul [colectia si selectia; 1920-2008]; National Library of Sweden
Barn och ungdom i affischer: Paul Lipschutz samling. Ett tematiskt urval = Children and Youth in Posters: The Paul Lipschutz Poster Collection. A Thematic Selection/ [by Paul Lipschutz]; [editor: Janna Herder]
Raster Vörlag Kungl. biblioteket = National Library of Sweden, 2008, Stockholm , (album) 223p., ISBN 978-91-7000-267-0
Topics (ro): copii si tineret in afise - reproduceri color; grafica - afis - sec.XX - Colectia Paul Lipschutz
Topics (en): children and youth in posters - colored reproductions; graphic art - poster - 20th c. - Paul Lipschutz Collection
Position: U.17-LIP (2) UDC: 769(100)"19"(084.1)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Mihailescu, Vintila; Oisteanu, Andrei; Herlo, Paula; Toma, Mircea; Popescu, Ioana; Bucurenci, Dragos; Papadima, Liviu; Simonca, Cristiana
# Rezist : proteste împotriva OUG 13/2017/ Vintila Mihailescu, Andrei Oisteanu, Paula Herlo, Mircea Toma, Ioana Popescu, Dragos Bucurenci, Liviu Papadima, Cristiana Simonca
Editura Curtea Veche, 2017, Bucuresti , (carte) 189p., ISBN 978-606-588-944-6
Topics (ro): Manifestatii - România - 2017; miscari de protest - România - 2017; Sloganuri politice - România - 2017 - Album; Afise -România - 2017 - Album
Topics (en): street protests - Romania - 2017; protest movements - Romania - 2017; political slogans - Romania - 2017 - album; posters - Romania - 2017 - album
Position: Vh.63-REZ UDC: 323.233(498)2017(084.12); 811.135.1’373.482017(0
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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