The Holocaust in Romania: the Destruction of Jews and Gypsies Under the Antonescu Regime, 1940-1944/ Radu Ioanid; with a Foreword by Elie Wiesel and a Preface by Paul A. Shapiro
Ivan R DEE; in assoc. with The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2000, Chicago
, (carte) xxvii, 353p., ISBN 1-56663-296-0
Topics (ro): masacre - Transnistria; exterminare - tigani - evrei; lagare de tranzit - ghetouri - deportari - ucidere in masa; relatii etnice - România - 1939-1945; al doilea Razboi Mondial - 1939-1945 - persecutie nazista - România; evrei - tigani - holocaust - Rom Topics (en): massacres - Transnistria; extermination - gypsies - Jews; transit camps - ghettos deportations - mass murder; ethnic relations - Romania - 1939-1945; World War II - 1939-1945 - Nazi persecution - Romania; Jews - Gypsies - holocaust - Romania - 1940-1944; | | Position: Vh.812-IOA
UDC: 323.1:94(498)"1940/1944"
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