New Europe College

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1. Bennington, Geoffrey; Derrida, Jacques; Keenan, Thomas; Beardsworth, Richard; Nancy, Jean-Luc; Laclau, Ernesto; Butler, Judith; Johnson, Barbara; Culler, Jonathan; Bhabha, Homi; Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty; Critchley, Simon; Bernasconi, Robert; Attridge,
Deconstruction: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies. Volume IV / Edited by Jonathan Culler
Routledge, 2003, London - New York , (carte) viii, 388 p., ISBN 0-415-24710-1, ISSN 0-415-24706-3 (set)
Topics (ro): studii culturale - deconstructie; politica - deconstructie; politica retoricii - deconstructie - retorica discursului; antropomorfism - lege; actualitate - deconstructie; etica - deconstructie; filosofie - deconstructie
Topics (en): cultural studies - deconstruction; politics - deconstruction; the politics of rhetoric - deconstruction - rhetoric of discourse; anthropomorphism - law; actuality - deconstruction; ethics - deconstruction; philosophy - deconstruction
Position: Sb-CUL (4) UDC: 130.2:81
Series: Routledge Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Gell, Alfred
Art and Agency: An Anthropological Theory / Alfred Gell
Clarendon Press, 1998, Oxford - New York , (carte) xxiv, 272 p., ISBN 0-19-828014-9
Topics (ro): arta si antropologie; arta si societate; teoria artei - obiectul de arta - sociologia artei; arta vizuala - teorie antropologica; antropologie - animism - antropomorfism; antropologie vizuala
Topics (en): art and anthropology; art and society; art theory - art object - sociology of art; visual art - anthropological theory; anthropology - animism - anthropomorphism; visual anthropology
Position: Se-GEL UDC:
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Halpérin, Jean; Kessler, David; Sicard, Didier; Sebag-Lanoë, Renée; Steg, Ady; Hirsch, Emmanuel; Ezratty, Myriam; Lenoir, Noëlle; Riveline, Claude; Hansson, Nelly; [...]
Le corps: Données et débats. Actes du XXXVe Colloque des intellectuels juifs de langue française / Textes réunis par Jean Halpérin et Nicolas Weill
Éditions Albin Michel, 1996, Paris , (carte) 254 p., ISBN 2-226-08855-5
Topics (ro): filosofie iudaica - corpul uman - antropologie - sec. XX; antropomorfism - corp - iconoclasm
Topics (en): Judaic philosophy - human body - anthropology - 20th century; anthropomorphism - body - iconoclasm
Position: Sf-CIJ UDC: 008:576
Series: Présences du judaïsme
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Hocke, Gustav René
Labyrinthe de l'art fantastique: Le maniérisme dans l'art européen/ Gustav René Hocke; traduit de l'allemand par Cornélius Heim
Éditions Gonthier, 1967, Paris , (carte) 226p.
Topics (ro): simbolism fantastic; lumea onirica; Arcimboldo - antropomorfism; labirint; ezoterism; arta europeana - manierism - fantastic; iconografie - fantastic; arta fantastica; dementa; deformare - inversiune; hermafrodit; suprarealism - fantastic - pictura
Topics (en): fantastic symbolism; raving world/ delirious world; Arcimboldo, Giuseppe, Italian Mannerist painter - anthropomorphism; labyrinth; esotericism, esoterism; European art - mannerism - fantastic(al); iconography - fantasticalness, fabulosity; phantastic art;
Position: AS/J-112; MT/C-1465 UDC: 7.04
Series: Collection Grand Format Médiations

5. Lenoir, Frédéric; Tardan-Masquelier, Ysé (coord.)
Encyclopédie des religions, tome II: Thèmes / Sous la direction de Frédéric Lenoir et Ysé Tardan-Masquelier; Conseiller scientifique: Michel Meslin; Éditeur: Jean-Pierre Rosa; Dessins: Catherine Cisinski; Cartes: Madeleine Rouvillois
Bayard Éditions, 2000, Paris , (carte) p. 1329-2514, ISBN 2-227-011-02-5, ISSN 2-227-011-00-9 (set
Topics (ro): divin - antropomorfism - divinitate tantrica; religie - traditii religioase - canon - traditie profetica; enciclopedia religiilor - teme; demiurgi gnostici - gnosticism; Dumnezeu - divinitate - religii - crestinism - iudaism - islam - budism chinez
Topics (en): divine - anthropomorphism - Tantric divinity; religion - religious traditions - canon - prophetic tradition; encyclopaedia of religions - themes; gnostic demiurges - gnosticism; God - divinity - religions - Christianity / Christianism - Judaism - Islam -
Position: G-LEN (2)* UDC: 2(100)(038)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Penido, M. T.-L.
Le rôle de l'analogie en théologie dogmatique / par L'Abbé M. T.-L. Penido
Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1931, Paris , (carte) 478p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - teologie dogmatica - analogie; analogia metaforica - antropomorfism - simbolism; ratiune si credinta; mistere crestine; tomism - analogia tomista
Topics (en): Christianity - dogmatic theology - analogy; metaphorical analogy - anthropomorphism - symbolism; reason and faith; Christian mysteries; Thomism - Thomist analogy
Position: MT/B-1393 UDC: 282: 230: 214*Toma d'Aquino
Series: Bibliothèque Thomiste; XV

7. Siwek, Paul
Spinoza et le panthéisme religieux/ par Paul Siwek s.j.
Desclée de Brouwer, 1937, Paris , (carte) xxxi, 295p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - sec.XVII - Spinoza; panteism religios - Spinoza; crestinism - Spinoza; teologie; antropomorfism; existenta lui Dumnezeu; metoda geometrica - etica
Topics (en): -
Position: CP-61 UDC: 14"16"Spinoza
Series: Bibliothèque Française de Philosophie

8. Tamen, Miguel
Friends of Interpretable Objects/ Miguel Tamen
Harvard University Press, 2001, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England , (carte) 194p., ISBN 0-674-01368-9
Topics (ro): filosofie - interpretare - obiect; antropomorfism - obiecte interpretabile; antropologie culturala - antropomorfism; iconoclasm; muzeologie - conservare - interpretare
Topics (en): philosophy - interpretation - object; anthropomorphism - interpretable objects; cultural anthropology - anthropomorphism; iconoclasm; museology - preservation - interpretation
Position: P-TAM UDC: 069:121
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC