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1. *
Modern Esoteric Spirituality / edited by Antoine Faivre and Jacob Needleman; associate editor: Karen Voss
The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1995, New York , (carte) xxx, 414 p., ISBN 0-8245-1444-0
Topics (ro): cabala - romantism; rozicrucianism; francmasonerie; spiritualitate ezoterica - ezoterism; teozofie; viata spirituala - perioada moderna, 1500-; Steiner, Rudolf - antroposofie; secte ezoterice; ezoterism alchimic - hermeneutica culturii; Paracelsus
Topics (en): cabbala, the - romanticism; Rosicrucians; freemasonry; esoteric spirituality - esotericism, esoterism; theosophy; spiritual life - modern period, 1500-; Steiner, Rudolf - anthroposophy; esoteric sects/ denominations; alchemical esotericism - hermeneutics
Position: G.10-WS (21) UDC: 273(091)
Series: World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest: vol. 21
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Bastin, Rohan; Brendbekken, Marit; Devisch, René; Feldman, Allen; Gulbrandsen, Ornulf; Kapferer, Bruce; Lambeck, Michael; Rio, Knut; Telle, Kari G.
Beyond Rationalism: Rethinking Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery / Edited by Bruce Kapferer
Berghahn Books, 2003, New York - Oxford , (carte) vi, 274 p. + 4 pl., ISBN 1-57181-418-3 (pbk)
Topics (ro): antropologie religioasa - magie - vrajitorie; antroposofie - vrajitorie - fetisisme malefice; antropologie sociala - magie - spiritism
Topics (en): religious anthropology - magic - witchcraft; anthroposophy - witchcraft - malefic fetishism; social anthropology - magic - spiritism
Position: P-KAP UDC: 572:133
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Dessoir, Max [ Max Dessauer, filosof german, medic, filosof si istoric al artei, 1867-1947]
Vom Jenseits der Seele: Die Geheimwissenschaften in kritischer Betrachtung/ von Max Dessoir
Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1931, Stuttgart , (carte) xiv, 562p.
Topics (ro): ocultism; ezoterism; parapsihologie - vis si hipnoza; telepatie si viziuni; automatism sufletesc; parafizica - experiente cu medii; cabala psihologica; cabala teologica; antroposofie; idealism magic
Topics (en): occultism; esotericism; parapsychology - dreams and hypnosis; telepathy and vision; automatism of soul; paraphysics - experiences with the media; Psychological cabal; theological cabal; anthroposophy; magic idealism
Position: MT/A-3565 UDC: 133

4. Frère, Jean-Claude
Nazisme et sociétés secrètes/ par Jean-Claude Frère
Culture, Art, Loisirs, 1974, Paris , (carte) 288p.
Topics (ro): ezoterism - nazism - societati secrete; cavalerii teutoni; societati secrete - mentalitate magica; Rudolf Steiner - antroposofie; astrologie - Hitler - ocultism
Topics (en): esotericism, esoterism - nazism - secret societies; Teutonic knights; secret societies - magic mentalities; Rudolf Steiner - anthroposophy; astrology - Hitler - occultism
Position: AS/E-153 UDC: 133:943.0
Series: Histoire des personnages mystérieux & des sociétés secrètes

5. Hemleben, Johannes
Rudolf Steiner in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten/ dargestellt von Johannes Hemleben
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 1982, Hamburg , (carte) 174p., ISBN 3-499-50079-5
Topics (ro): Steiner, Rudolf, 1861-1925; filosofie; istoria religiilor; antroposofie
Topics (en): -
Position: C.2-STE-Hem UDC: 141.333Steiner, Rudo
Series: Rowohlts Bildmonographien
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Steiner, Rudolf
Soziale Frage und Anthroposophie: Zur Neugestaltung des gesellschaftlichen Organismus: Vorträge/ Rudolf Steiner; ausgewählt und herausgegeben von Dietrich Spitta
Verlag Freies Geistesleben, 1985, Dornach , (carte) 320p., ISBN 3-7725-0083-8
Topics (ro): antroposofie - sociologie
Topics (en): -
Position: C.2-STE UDC: 141.133:316
Series: Themen aus dem Gesamtwerk/ Rudolf Steiner; Band 13
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Steiner, Rudolf
Three Streams in the Evolution of Mankind: The connection of the Luciferic-Ahrimanic Impulses with the Christ-Jahve Impulse: Six lectures given in Dornach, 4th-13th October, 1918/ Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner Press, 1985, London , (carte) 126p.
Topics (ro): antroposofie - crestinism - iudaism - zoroastrism
Topics (en): anthroposophy - Christianism - Judaism - Zoroastrianism
Position: C.2-STE UDC: 141.133+291

8. Steiner, Rudolf
Occult History: Historical Personalities and Events in the light of Spiritual Science: Six lectures given in Stuttgart, 27th December, 1910 to 1st January, 1911/ Rudolf Steiner; [Translation by D.S. Osmond and Charles Davy]
Rudolf Steiner Press, 1982, London , (carte) 128p., ISBN 0-85440-371-X
Topics (ro): antroposofie - teozofie; ocultism
Topics (en): anthroposophy - theosophy; occultism
Position: C.2-STE UDC: 141.133+133
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Steiner, Rudolf
Deeper Secrets of Human History in the Light of the Gospel of St. Matthew / Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner Press & Anthroposophic Press Inc., 1985, London & New York , (carte) 80 p., ISBN 0-85440-610-7
Topics (ro): istorie umana - evanghelia lui Matei; antroposofie - Iisus Christos; antropologie religioasa - Steiner, Rudolf
Topics (en): human history - The Gospel according to St. Matthew; anthroposophy - Jesus Christ; religious anthropology - Steiner, Rudolf
Position: C.2-STE UDC: 572:232:226
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Steiner, Rudolf
World History in the Light of Anthroposophy and as a Foundation for Knowledge of the Human Spirit / Rudolf Steiner; lectures I to VIII translated by George and Mary Adams, lecture IX translated by Dorothy Osmond
Rudolf Steiner Press, 1977, London , (carte) 150 p., ISBN 0-85440-316-7
Topics (ro): antroposofie - Steiner, Rudolf; antroposofie - dezvoltarea memoriei; mistere orientale - spiritul naturii - antroposofie; gelozie - zeu - om
Topics (en): -
Position: C.2-STE UDC: 572:29
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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