New Europe College

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1. *
Sécurité et défense de l'UE: Textes fondamentaux 2004, Vol. V / Institut d'Études de Sécurité
Institut d'Etudes de Sécurité, Union Européenne, 2005, Paris , (carte) 446 p., ISBN 92-9198-068-4, ISSN 1017-7566
Topics (ro): Uniunea Europeana - securitate si aparare - texte fundamentale; Consiliul European - relatii externe; constitutia europeana
Topics (en): European Union - security and defense - fundamental textes; European Conseil - foreign relations; European constitution
Position: H.1724-IES UDC: 327(4)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger: Ein Referateorgan für die Neuerscheinungen der Philosophie und ihrer gesamten Grenzgebiete/ herausgegebn von Prof. Dr. Ed. May und Dr. G. Schischkoff Schriftleitung Dr. G. Schischkoff
Bronnen-Verlag, 1951, Schlendorf am Kochelsee/ Obb. , (periodic)
Topics (ro): gazeta de filosofie - noi aparitii in istoria filosofiei - Germania
Topics (en): review of philosophy - new releases in the history of philosophy - Germany
Position: MT/A-4435 UDC: 1(07)

3. Arbore Popescu, Grigore [ed.]
Cristiani d'Oriente: Spiritualità, arte e potere nell'Europa post Bizantina/ a cura di Grigore Arbore Popescu
Electa, 1999, Milano , (carte) 368p.
Topics (ro): identitate religioasa - identitate culturala - crestinatate rientala; Constantinopole - cetate - memorie - mit; expozitie - arta medievala - iconografie crestina; Stefan cel Mare - aparator al crestinatatii
Topics (en): religious identity - cultural identity - Eastern Christianity; Constantinople - city - memory - myth; exhibition - medieval art - Christian iconography; Stephen the Great - defender of Christianity
Position: U.16-ARB UDC: 7.046.3:281.9(084.1)(083.8)

4. Arendt, Hannah [1906-1975]
The Life of the Mind/ Hannah Arendt
Harcourt, Inc., 1981, San Diego, New York, London , (carte) xix, 238p.; 283p., ISBN 0-15-651992-5
Topics (ro): filosofie - gandire - vointa - Arendt, Hannah (1906-1975); activitate mentala - aparenta; filosofi - vointa; vointa si intelect
Topics (en): philosophy - thinking - will - Arendt, Hannah (1906-1975); mental activity - appearance; philosophers - will; will and intellect
Position: A.2-ARE UDC: 14*Arendt,Hannah
Series: A Harvest Book
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Babelon, Jean-Pierre; Chamblas-Ploton, Mic; Leroux, Jean-Baptiste
Classic Gardens: The French Style/ Jean-Pierre Babelon and Mic Chamblas Ploton; Photographs by Jean-Baptiste Leroux
Thames and Hudson, 2000, London , (carte) 299p., ISBN 0-500-51030-X
Topics (ro): gradini - arhitectura gradinilor - gradini clasice - stil francez; gradini pentru intelect - gradini pentru simturi; apa si gradini
Topics (en): gardens - garden architecture - classic gardens - french style; gardens for the intellect - gardens for the senses; water and gardens
Position: Ua.10-BAB UDC: 712(084.1)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Babiuc, Victor
O singura directie: Apusul/ Victor Babiuc; Preface by Vladimir Pasti
The Center for Romanian Studies, 2000, Iasi, Oxford, Portland , (carte) 200p., ISBN 973-9432-13-1
Topics (ro): istoria României - NATO; politica externa - România - NATO; aparare nationala - România - 1997-1999
Topics (en): -
Position: Vh.64-BAB UDC: 327(498)"1990/2000"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Bachofen, Johann Jakob [ anticar elvetian, jurist, filolog, antropolog, prof. de drept roman, 1815-1887]
Urreligion und antike Symbole: Systematisch angeordnete Auswahl aus seinen Werken in drei Bänden, Zweiter Band/ Johann Jakob Bachofen; herausgegeben von Carl Albrecht Bernoulli
Verlag von Philipp Reclam Jun., 1926, Leipzig , (carte) 523, [4]p.
Topics (ro): istoria religiilor - simboluri antice - teogonie; eroi; aparitia familiei; aparitia dreptului; aparitia culturii
Topics (en): history of religions - ancient symbols - theology; heroes; emergence of the family; emergence of the law; emergence of culture
Position: MT/B-174 UDC: 291

8. Bayard, Jean-Pierre
La symbolique du feu/ Jean-Pierre Bayard
Payot, 1973, Paris , (carte) 229p.
Topics (ro): istoria religiilor - simbolul focului; focul - simbol; moarte - resurectie; fecundare; intinerire; imortalitate; purificare; initiere - foc initiatic; lumina; soare; singe - culoare - rosu; alchimie - foc alchimic; cabala; caldura magica; apa - foc
Topics (en): history of religions - symbol of the fire; the fire - symbol; death - resurrection; insemination; rejuvenation; immortality; purification; initiation - initiatory fire; light, the; sun; blood - colour - red; alchemy - alchemical fire; cabbala, the; magic
Position: AS/I-32 UDC: 291
Series: Aux confins de la science

9. Bayard, Jean-Pierre
La symbolique du monde souterrain et de la caverne/ Jean-Pierre Bayard
Guy Trédaniel Éditeur, 1994, Paris , (carte) 336p., ISBN 2-85707-570-7
Topics (ro): lumea subterana - simbolism; istoria religiilor - Infern; grota; pamint - singe mineral - curente telurice; radacina; apa subterana; geme; coborirea in Infern; templu subteran; initiere - culoare subterane - mormint; culoar initiatic - labirint
Topics (en): underground world - symbolism; history of religions - hell; grotto, cave; Earth - mineral blood - telluric currents; root; underground water; gems; Descent to the Underworld, the; underground temple; initiation - underground passages - grave; initiatory p
Position: AS/I-33 UDC: 291
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Benoist, Luc
Signes, symboles et mythes/ Luc Benoist
Presses Universitaires de France, 1977, Paris , (carte) 128p.
Topics (ro): simbolism; semne - teoria gestului; ambivalenta simbolurilor; centrul - axa lumii; foc; aer; apa; planete - numere - culori; planeta - numar - culoare; metalurgie - simbol - lumea subterana; rituri - mituri
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/I-14 UDC: 133
Series: Que sais-je? Le point des connaissances actuelles; No.1686

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