Le symbolisme du corps humain / Annick de Souzenelle
Albin Michel, 1991, Paris
, (carte) 474 p., ISBN 2-226-05181-3, ISSN 1147-3762
Topics (ro): corpul uman - simbolism; cabala - omul - imaginea lui Dumnezeu; lb. ebraica - simboluri si mituri; arborele vietii - mitologie; exegeza biblica - Vechiul Testament - traditie ebraica; anatomie - om - antropologie Topics (en): human body - symbolism; cabbala, the - man, the - God-image; Hebrew language - symbols and mythes; Tree of Life - mythology; exegesis, Biblical - Old Testament, the - Hebrew tradition; anatomy - human being - anthropology | | Position: AS/E-127
UDC: 572:221
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