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1. Beigbeder, Olivier
La symbolique/ Olivier Beigbeder
Presses Universitaires de France, 1975, Paris , (carte) 128p.
Topics (ro): istoria religiilor - mitologie - simbol; psihologie - cunoastere prelogica - simbol; centrul; spirala; dragonul; sarpele; muntele cosmic; arborele; piatra; cercul - imaginea ciculara; simbolica romana - crestinism - elenism
Topics (en): history of religions - mythology - symbol; psychology - pre-logical knowledge - symbol; centre, the; spiral line; Dragon, the; Snake, the; cosmic mountain; Tree, the; stone; circle, the - circular image, the; Roman symbolics - Christianity / Christianism
Position: AS/I-13 UDC: 291
Series: Que sais-je? Le point des connaissances actuelles; No.749

2. Champeaux, Gérard de; Sterckx, Sébastien
Introduction au monde des symboles/ Gérard de Champeaux, dom Sébastien Sterckx o.s.b.
Zodiaue, 1972, Paris , (dictionar) 481p.
Topics (ro): simbolism - dictionar; mitologie - simbol; ezoterism; forme simbolice; figuri simbolice; muntele - ascensiunea - inaltimile - piatra - Paradis; botezul - apa baptismala; omul - macrocosm - microcosm; arborele - crucea; tetramorful; Christos - Regele lumii
Topics (en): symbolism - dictionary; mythology - symbol; esotericism, esoterism; symbolical forms; symbolical figures; mountain - ascension - eminences - stone - Paradise; baptism ( christening) - baptismal watter ( baptismal font); man, the - macrocosm - microcosm; T
Position: AS/I-15 UDC: 291+133
Series: Introduction à la nuit des temps; 3

3. Eliade, Mircea (1907-1986)
Insula lui Euthanasius/ Mircea Eliade
Humanitas, 1993, Bucuresti , (carte) 318p., ISBN 973-28-0357-6
Topics (ro): literatura româna - Eliade, Mircea - eseistica - sec.XX; simbolul templului - filosofia indiana; istoria religiilor - simbol - cultura - spirit; arborele sacru; mitologie greaca
Topics (en): Romanian literature - Eliade, Mircea - essay writing - 20th century; symbol of the temple - Indian philosophy; history of religions - symbol - culture - spirit; Sacred Tree; Greek mythology
Position: Vta-ELI; AS/H-40 UDC: 821.135.1Eliade,M.
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC, Humanitas

4. Greisch, Jean
L'Arbre de vie et l'arbre du savoir: Le chemin phénoménologique de l'herméneutique heideggérienne (1919-1923) / Jean Greisch
Les Éditions du Cerf, 2000, Paris , (carte) 348 p., ISBN 2-204-06184-0, ISSN 0298-9972
Topics (ro): hermeneutica heideggeriana - filosofie; fenomenologie - Heidegger, Martin (despre) - arborele cunoasterii
Topics (en): Heideggerian hermeneutics - philosophy; phenomenology - Heidegger, Martin, studies on - tree of knowledge
Position: A.2-HEI UDC: 14*Heidegger,Martin
Series: Passages
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Guénon, René
Le symbolisme de la croix/ par René Guénon; Préface par Robert Amadou
Union générale d'éditions, 1970, Paris , (carte) 317p.
Topics (ro): crucea - simbolism; simbolismul crucii; crestinism - cruce; omul universal; hinduism - gunas (cele 3); zvastica; crucea - reprezentare geometrica; rugul aprins; yin-yang; arborele - sarpele; centru - circumferinta; marea Triada
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/E-6 UDC: 291
Series: 10/ 18

6. Ruyer, Raymond
La gnose de Princeton: Des savants à la recherche d'un religion/ Raymond Ruyer
Fayard, 1977, Paris , (carte) 448p., ISBN 2-253-01650-0
Topics (ro): stiinta - neognosticism; cosmologie; biologie - evolutie; limba materna universala; informatie - timp - spatiu; teologie neognostica; moarte - imortalitate; arborele vietii; constiinta cosmica
Topics (en): science - neo-Gnosticism; cosmology; biology - evolution; common mother tongue; information - time - space; Neognostic theology; death - immortality; Tree of Life; cosmic conscience
Position: AS/S-32 UDC: 14:5/6"19"
Series: Collection Pluriel
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Souzenelle, Annick de
Le symbolisme du corps humain / Annick de Souzenelle
Albin Michel, 1991, Paris , (carte) 474 p., ISBN 2-226-05181-3, ISSN 1147-3762
Topics (ro): corpul uman - simbolism; cabala - omul - imaginea lui Dumnezeu; lb. ebraica - simboluri si mituri; arborele vietii - mitologie; exegeza biblica - Vechiul Testament - traditie ebraica; anatomie - om - antropologie
Topics (en): human body - symbolism; cabbala, the - man, the - God-image; Hebrew language - symbols and mythes; Tree of Life - mythology; exegesis, Biblical - Old Testament, the - Hebrew tradition; anatomy - human being - anthropology
Position: AS/E-127 UDC: 572:221
Series: Espaces libres
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Souzenelle, Annick de
Simbolismul corpului uman/ Annick de Souzenelle; trad. de Margareta Gyurcsik
Editura Amarcord, 1999, Timisoara , (carte) 236p., ISBN 973-9244-70-x
Topics (ro): corpul uman - simbolism; cabala - omul - imaginea lui Dumnezeu; lb. ebraica - simboluri si mituri; arborele vietii - mitologie; exegeza biblica - Vechiul Testament - traditie ebraica; anatomie - om - antropologie
Topics (en): human body - symbolism; cabbala, the - man, the - God-image; Hebrew language - symbols and mythes; Tree of Life - mythology; exegesis, Biblical - Old Testament, the - Hebrew tradition; anatomy - human being - anthropology
Position: AS/I-36 UDC: 572:221
Series: Cîmp deschis
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Souzenelle, Annick de
Le symbolisme du corps humain / Annick de Souzenelle
Albin Michel, 1991, Paris , (carte) 474p., ISBN 2-226-05181-3, ISSN 1147-3762
Topics (ro): corpul uman - simbolism; cabala - omul - imaginea lui Dumnezeu; lb. ebraica - simboluri si mituri; arborele vietii - mitologie; exegeza biblica - Vechiul Testament - traditie ebraica; anatomie - om - antropologie
Topics (en): human body - symbolism; cabbala, the - man, the - God-image; Hebrew language - symbols and mythes; Tree of Life - mythology; exegesis, Biblical - Old Testament, the - Hebrew tradition; anatomy - human being - anthropology
Position: C.0-SOU UDC: 133
Series: Espaces libres; 13
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC