New Europe College

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1. *
Oriens - Occidens: Sciences, mathématiques et philosophie de l'Antiquité à l'Äge classique, no.2/1998 / rédacteur en chef: Roshdi Rashed
C.N.R.S./E.P.H.E/Université Paris 7, 1998, Paris , (carte) 184 p., ISBN 2-7442-0031-X, ISSN 1284-2060
Topics (ro): filosofia stiintei - Grecia antica; Fizica - Aristotel; aritmetica - Euclid; miscare - Aristotel
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/S-6 UDC: 113/119:51:53(38)
Series: Cahiers du Centre d'Histoire des Sciences et des Philsophies Arabes et Médiévales: 2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Bibliographisches Institut; Meschkowski, Hebert; Dchütz, Helmut
Schülermathematikduden, Band 1: Die Neue Mathematik (bis 10. Schuljahr/ Herausgegeben von den Fachredaktionen des Bibliographischen Instituts; [ Neu bearbeitet von Herbert meschkowski; unter Mitarbeit von Helmut Schütz]
Bibliographisches Institut; Duden Verlag, 1972, Mannheim; Wien; Zürich , (carte) 541p., ISBN 3-411-00925-X
Topics (ro): matematica pentru elevi - clasele 1-10; aritmetica; gepmetrie; trigonometrie
Topics (en): mathematics for pupils - classes 1-10; arithmetic; geometry; trigonometry
Position: MT/A-4010 UDC: 51
Series: Duden für den Schüler
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Cassé, Michel
Nostalgie de la lumière: Monts et merveilles de l'astrophysique/ Michel Cassé; Préface de Hubert Reeves
Pierre Belfond, 1987, Paris , (carte) 203p., ISBN 2-7144-2099-0
Topics (ro): astrofizica; electromagnetica - lumina; microcosm - sociologie; aritmetica stelara; fluid nuclear; materie stelara; fizica cuantica; transcendenta - fizica
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/S-55 UDC: 52:23"19"
Series: Collection Belfond/ Sciences
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Dahan-Dalmedico, Amy; Peiffer, Jeanne
Une histoire des mathématiques: Routes et dédales/ Amy Dahan-Dalmedico, Jeanne Peiffer; Préface de Jean-Toussaint Desanti
Editions du Seuil, 1986, Paris , (carte) 320 p., ISBN 2-02-009138-0
Topics (ro): aritmetica - Pitagora; matematica ioniana - Thales; astronomie - Copernic; algebra - istorie; aritmetica - istorie; istoria matematicii; matematica - istorie; geometrie - figuri, spatii; analiza matematica; numere complexe; structuri algebrice
Topics (en): arithmetic - Pythagoras (c582-c500 B.C.); Ionian mathematics - Thales; astronomy - Copernicus, Nicolaus; algebra - history; arithmetic - history; history of mathematics; mathematics - history; geometry - figures, spaces; mathematical analysis; complex num
Position: B.16-DAH; AS/S-106 UDC: 51(091)
Series: Points; S58
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Euclid; Archimedes; Nicomachus
The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements/ Translated by Sir Thomas L. Heath. The Works of Archimedes Including the Method/ Translated by Sir Thomas L. Heath. The Introduction to Arithmetic of Nicomachus/ by Nichomacus of Gerasa; translated by Martin L. D'Ooge
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1993, Chicago [...] , (carte) xi, 636p., ISBN 0-85229-531-6
Topics (ro): matematica - Grecia - antichitate; aritmetica; geometrie; Arhimede; Nicomahus; Euclid
Topics (en): mathematics - Greece - antiquity; arithmetic; geometry; Archimedes (287-212 B.C.); Nicomachus; Euclid
Position: 0.0-ADL (10) UDC: 51(37)
Series: Great Books of the Western World: A Chronology of the Great Authors; 10
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Gauss, Carl Friedrich [matematician, 1777-1855]
Cercetari aritmetice / Carl Friedrich Gauss; traducere de Constantin I. Giurescu
Editura Amarcord, 1999, Timisoara , (carte) 460 p., ISBN 973-9244-81-5
Topics (ro): matematica - sec. XIX; Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 1777-1855 - Germania; aritmetica - sec. XIX
Topics (en): mathematics - 19th century; Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 1777-1855 - Germany; arithmetic - 19th century, the
Position: B.163-GAUSS UDC: 511*GAUSS
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Husserl, Edmund (1859-1938)
Philosophie der Arithmetik: Text nach Husserliana XII/ Edmund Husserl
Felix Meiner Verlag, 1992, Hamburg , (carte) XXVI, VIII, 286p., ISBN 3-7873-1094-0
Topics (ro): filosofie - Germania - sec.XIX-XX; aritmetica - filosofie; filosofia aritmeticii - Husserl, Edmund; fenomenologie
Topics (en): -
Position: A.2-HUS (1) UDC: 14(43)"18/19"Husserl
Series: Gesammelte Schriften/ Edmund Husserl; hrsg. von Elisabeth Ströker; Bd.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Parkinson, G.H.R. si Shanker, S.G. [Ed. gen.]; Taylor, C.C.W. [Ed. vol.]; Osborne, Robin; Schofield, Malcolm; Osborne, Catherine; Hussey, Edward; Wright, M.R.; Kerferd, G.B.; Mueller, Ian; Benson, Hugh H.; Heinaman, Robert; Price, A.W.; Rowe, Christopher
Routledge History of Philosophy, [in ten volumes]: Volume 1: From the Beginning to Plato/ General Editors: G.H.R. Parkinson and S.G. Shanker; [volume] edited by C.C.W. Taylor
Routledge, 1997, London and New York , (carte) xxvi, 494p., ISBN 0-415-30873-9
Topics (ro): istoria filosofiei - de la inceputuri pina la Platon; polis - cultura; presocratici - Socrate - Platon; aritmetica greaca - geometrie - armonie - de la Tales la Platon; matefizica si epistemologie; etica si politica; estetica si psihologie
Topics (en): history of philosophy - from the beginning to Plato; polis - culture; presocratics - Socrates - Plato; Greek arithmetic - geometry - harmony - from Thales to Plato; metaphysics and epistemology; ethics and politics; aesthetics and psychology
Position: A.10-PAR (1) UDC: 141(09)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC